case-fatality — mirštamumas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis Mirčių nuo tam tikros ligos ir per tą patį laikotarpį nustatytų tos ligos ↑atvejų skaičiaus ↑santykis. atitikmenys: angl. case fatality; lethality šaltinis Pagrindinės epidemiologijos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
case fatality rate — the proportion of persons contracting a disease who die of that disease: the numerator is the number of deaths caused by a disease and the denominator is the number of diagnosed cases of the disease. Called also case fatality ratio, fatality r.,… … Medical dictionary
case fatality ratio — the number of fatalities from a specified disease in a given period per 100 episodes of the disease arising in the same period. Unless all such deaths occur rapidly after the onset of the disease (e.g. cholera) they are likely to be the outcome… … Medical dictionary
case fatality rate — the number of fatalities from a specified disease in a given period per 100 diagnosed cases of the disease arising in the same period. Unless deaths occur very rapidly after the onset of the disease (e.g. cholera), they may be the outcome of… … The new mediacal dictionary
case fatality rate — the number of deaths from a disease in every hundred cases. See also mortality rate … Dictionary of ichthyology
case fatality ratio — see under rate … Medical dictionary
case-fatality proportion — noun the number of cases of a disease ending in death divided by the number of cases of the disease; usually expressed as a percentage or as the number of deaths per 1000 cases • Hypernyms: ↑proportion … Useful english dictionary
Коэффициент Смертности (Case Fatality Ratio) — число смертельных исходов какого либо заболевания за данный период времени, приходящееся на 100 случаев возникновения данного заболевания за тот же период времени. Если все эти смертные случаи не связаны с какой либо эпидемией (например, холеры) … Медицинские термины
Case study — This article is about the method of doing research. For the teaching method, see Case method. For the method of teaching law, see Casebook method. A case study is an intensive analysis of an individual unit (e.g., a person, group, or event)… … Wikipedia
Case series — A case series (also known as a clinical series) is a medical research descriptive study that tracks patients with a known exposure given similar treatment[1] or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. It can be retrospective or… … Wikipedia