

name = "Siamotyrannus"
fossil_range = Early Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauris
ordo = Saurischia
subordo = Theropoda
infraordo = Carnosauria
genus = "Siamotyrannus"
genus_authority= Buffetaut "et al.", 1996
*"S. isanensis" Buffetaut "et al.", 1996 (type)

"Siamotyrannus" (meaning "Siamese Tyrant") is a genus of carnosaur from the Early Cretaceous. Its fossils, the pelvis and vertebrae were found in Thailand. [Buffetaut, E., Suteethorn, V. and Tong, H. 1996. The earliest known tyrannosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. "Nature" 381: 689-691.] As evidenced by its name, it was originally thought to be a tyrannosauroid, though it is quite small at 6.5 meters in length (21 ft). It has also been suggested that it may be an allosaurid or sinraptorid.


* [ "Siamotyrannus" in The Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ's Lair

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