Mario Lanzi

Mario Lanzi
Olympic medal record
Men's athletics
Silver 1936 Berlin 800 m

Mario Lanzi (10 October 1914 – 21 February 1980)[1] was an Italian athlete in the 1930s who specialised in the 800m and also competed over 400m.


Lanzi was born at Castelletto sopra Ticino, in the province of Novara (Piedmont).

He won the silver medal at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin over 800 m, finishing behind John Woodruff. In his native Italy Lanzi was without any serious rival. However, Lanzi lost the 800 m final at the 1938 European Championships in Athletics to Rudolf Harbig. Lanzi was famous for confusing his opponents by starting 800 m races like a sprinter.

Lanzi died at Schio (Veneto), where he had worked as coach, in 1980.


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