5100 Pasachoff

5100 Pasachoff

5100 Pasachoff is an asteroid. It was named after Professor Jay Pasachoff in 1993 by E. Bowell, the discoverer (1985 GW).


For 5100 Pasachoff
* semimajor axis: 2.46973814 A.U.
* eccentricity: 0.1351385
* inclination: 7.73827 deg.
* period: 3.88 years
* longitude of ascending node: 101.87185 deg.
* argument of perihelion: 36.14564 deg.
* mean anomaly: 102.24392 deg. (2000.0; 8/1.0/93=JDT 2449200.5)5100 Pasachoff = 1985 GWNamed in honor of Jay M. Pasachoff, Field Memorial professor ofastronomy, director of the Hopkins Observatory and chair of the astronomydepartment of Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Pasachoff'sbroad range of astronomical research has centered on the sun, and especiallyon studies of solar eclipses. He is also well known for an extensive seriesof college-level textbooks and popular-astronomy textbooks and articles.Besides being an indefatigable public lecturer, Pasachoff has served aschairperson of the astronomy section of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science, as a committee member of the American Association ofPhysics Teachers and on the Astrophysics Council of the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration.

For 68109 Naomipasachoff
* semimajor axis: 2.4713607 A.U.
* eccentricity: 0.1013178
* inclination: 8.71913 deg.
* period: 3.88519 years
* longitude of ascending node: 119.17644 deg.
* argument of perihelion: 170.18571 deg.
* mean anomaly: 355.23766 deg.68109 Naomipasachoff = 2000 YH135Discovered 2000 Dec. 17 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-ObjectSearch at the Anderson Mesa Station.Naomi Pasachoff (b. 1947) has written scientific biographies of MarieCurie, Alexander Graham Bell, Bohr, Newton, Einstein, Pauling, and others. Shehas viewed more than 20 solar eclipses, and continues to work on bringingscience to the public.


* [http://www.williams.edu/astronomy/jpasachoff/ Professor Jay Pasachoff's Website]
* [http://www.williams.edu/astronomy/solarcorona/naomi.html/ Dr. Naomi Pasachoff's Website]

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