- Peter Benjamin Golden
Peter Benjamin Golden (born 1941) is
Professor ofHistory atRutgers University .
He earned his bachelors degree fromCUNY Queens College in 1963 and hisPhD in History fromColumbia University in 1970.
He is the author of a wide array of books, articles and other written works on Turkic andCentral Asian Studies .Works
*(2006) "Some Thoughts on the Origins of the Turks and the Shaping of the Turkic Peoples" (Book Chapter in "Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World")
*(2006) "Khazarica: Notes on Some Khazar Terms" (Journal Article in "Turkic Languages")
*(2005) "The Khazars and the Kazakhs: New Perspectives" (Book Review in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(2005) "The Turks: A Historical Overview" (Book Chapter in "Turks: A Journey of a Thousand Years 600-1600")
*(2005) "Review of 'The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550-1900' by Scott C. Levi" (Book Review in "Central Eurasian Studies Review")
*(2005) "The Shaping of the Cuman-Qıpčaqs and Their World: Origins, Migrations, Political and Cultural Interaction" (Conference Paper in "Il Codice Cumanico e il suo Mondo")
*(2004) "Khazar Turkic Ghulâms in Caliphal Service" (Journal Article in "Journal asiatique")
*(2004) "Ascent by Scales; The System of Succession in Kievan Rus' in a Eurasian Context" (Book Chapter in "States, Societies, Cultures. East and West. Essays in Honor of Jaroslaw Pelenski", ed. J. Duzinkiewicz, National Academy of Ukraine, European Research Institute and W.K. Lypynsky East European Research Institute, New York, 2004) )
*(2003) "Khazar Turkic Ghulâms in Caliphal Service: Onomastic Notes" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi ")
*(2003) Review of "Orientalische Berichte über die Völker Osteuropas und Zentralasiens im Mittelalter: die Gayhani-Tradition" by Hansgerd Göckenjan and István Zimonyi (Book Review in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
*(2003) "Formirovanie kumano-kypchakov" (Journal Article in "Materialy po arkheologii", istorii i etnografii Tavrii )
*(2003) "Nomads and their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe. Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs" Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
*(2002) "War and Warfare in the Pre-Činggisid Western Steppes of Eurasia" (Book Chapter in "Inner Asian Warfare 500-1800")
*(2002) "Tuši: The Turkic Name of Joči" (Journal Article in "Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae ")
*(2002) "Notes on theQipchaq Tribes: Kimeks and Yemeks (Book Chapter in "The Turks Volume" 1 Early Ages)
*(2002) "Türk Halklarý Tarihine Giriþ". Ankara, Turkey: KaraM Publishing House (KaraM Yayýncýlýk)
*(2001) "Some Notes on the Comitatus in Medieval Eurasia with Special Reference to the Khazars" (Journal Article in "Russian history: Histoire russe")
*(2001) "Khazars" (Book Chapter in "Turkish-Jewish Encounters: Studies on Turkish-Jewish Relations through the Ages")
*(2001) "Nomads in the Sedentary World: The Case of the Pre-Chinggisid Rus’ and Georgia" (Book Chapter in "Nomads in the Sedentary World")
*(2001) Review of "A History of Inner Asia" by Svat Soucek (Book Review in "Central Asia Monitor ")
*(2001) "The Terminology of Slavery and Servitude in Medieval Turkic" (Book Chapter in "Studies on Central Asian History in Honor of Yuri Bregel")
*(2000) "The Nomads of the Western Eurasian Steppes: Oghurs, Onoghurs and Khazars" (Book Chapter in "History of the Turkic Peoples in the Pre Islamic Period")
*(2000) "I Will Give the People Unto Thee: The Chinggisid Conquests and Their Aftermath in the Turkic World" (Journal Article in "Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland ")
*(2000) Review of "The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy", ed. Reuven Amitai-Preiss and David O. Morgan (Book Review in "The International history review")
*(2000) The King's Dictionary. "The Rasulid Hexaglot: Fourteenth Century Vocabularies in Arabic, Persian, Turkic, Greek, Armenian and Mongol" Leiden: Brill. (Book, Edited , Vol. 4 in the series Handbuch der Orientalistik, 8. Abteilung Zentralasien )
*(1999) "The Nomadic Linguistic Impact on Pre-Chinggisid Rus' and Georgia" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1998) Religion among the Qipchaqs of Medieval Eurasia (Journal Article in "Central Asiatic journal")
*(1998) "Nomads and sedentary societies in medieval Eurasia" Washington, D. C.: American Historical Association.
*(1997) "Cumanica IV: The Qipchaq Tribes" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi ")
*(1997) "Wolves, Dogs and Qipchaq Religion" (Journal Article in "Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae")
*(1996) "The Chernii Klobouc" (Book Chapter in "Symbolae Turkologicae")
*(1995) "The Days of the Week in Turkic: Notes on the Cuman-Qipchaq Pattern" (Journal Article in "Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae")
*(1994) "Chopsticks and Pasta in Medieval Turkic Cuisine" (Journal Article in "Rocznik Orientalistyczny")
*(1993) "Gosudarstvo i gosudarstvennost' u Xazar: vlast' Xazarskix kaganov" (Book Chapter in "Fenomen vostochnogo despotizma: Struktura upravleniya i vlasti")
*(1992) "An introduction to the history of the Turkic peoples: Ethnogenesis and state-formation in medieval and early modern Eurasia and the Middle East" Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz.
*(1992) "Codex Comanicus" (Book Chapter in "Central Asian Monuments")
*(1991) "Nomads and Their Sedentary Neighbors in pre-Chinggisid Western Eurasia" (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi)
*(1991) "The Qipchaqs of Medieval Eurasia: An Example of Stateless Adaptation on the Steppe" (Book Chapter in "Rulers from the steppe: State formation on the Eurasian periphery")
*(1991) "Aspects of the Nomadic Factor in the Economic Development of Kievan Rus'" (Conference Paper in "Proceedings : Ukrainian economic history: Interpretive essays")
*(1991) "The Dogs of the Medieval Qipchaqs" (Book Chapter in Varia Eurasiatica Festschrift für ProfessorAndrás Róna Tas )
*(1991) "Vyxod" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1990) "Cumanica III: The Urusoba" (Conference Paper in "Proceedings : Aspects of Altaic civilization III: Proceedings of the thirtieth meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference", Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, June 19-25, 1987)
*(1987) Review of "Avars and Ancient Hungarians" by Pal Liptak (Book Review in "The American historical review")
*(1986) "Cumanica II, The Ölberli (Ölperli): The Fortunes and Misfortunes of an Inner Asian Nomadic Clan" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1985) The Byzantine Greek Elements in the Rasûlid Hexaglot (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1984) "Cumanica I: The Qipchaqs in Georgia" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1984) "A New Discovery: "Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Century" (Book Review in "Harvard Ukrainian studies")
*(1983) Khazaria and Judaism (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1983) "The Turkic Peoples and Caucasia" (Conference Paper in "Proceedings : Transcaucasia: Nationalism and social change : essays in the history of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia")
*(1982) "Imperial Ideology and the Sources of Political Unity Amongst the Pre-Chinggisid Nomads of Western Eurasia" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1982) "The Question of the Rus' Qaghanate" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1980) "The Polovci Dikii" (Journal Article in "Harvard Ukrainian Studies")
*(1980) "Khazar studies: An historico-philological inquiry into the origins of the Khazars" Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
*(1980) "Review of 'Les Coumans au Bas-Danube aux XIe et XIIe siècles' by Petre Diaconu" (Book Review in "The American Historical Review")
*(1979) "The Oghuz Turkic (Ottoman/Safavid) Elements in Georgian: Background and Patterns" (Book Chapter in "The mutual effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian worlds: The East European pattern")
*(1979) "Review of 'Tataro-mongoly v Azii i Europe: Sbornik statei' by S. L. Tikhvinskii" (Book Review in "The American Historical Review")
*(1975) "The Q'azaro-Hungarian Title/Personal Name Yilik ~ Yelegh" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1975) "The People nwkrdä" (Journal Article in "Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi")
*(1972) "The Migrations of the Oghuz" (Journal Article in "Archivum Ottomanicum")
*(1971) "Hazar Dili" (Journal Article in "Türk Dili Arastirmalari Yilligi Belleten")Resources
* [http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~history/index.php?content=deptmem&name=golden Rutgers faculty website]
* [http://mideast.rutgers.edu/FACULTY/BIOS/CV/CV-Golden.pdf Curriculum vitae]ee also
Euro-Asian Steppe
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