Eustathius of Sebaste

Eustathius of Sebaste

Eustathius, was bishop of Sebastia in Armenia. Toge­ther with Basil of Ancyra, he was the author of the sect of the Macedonians. (Suidas s. v. Ενσταζιος.)

He was originally a monk, and is said to have been the first who made the Armenians acquainted with an ascetic life. For this reason some persons ascrib­ed to him the work on Ascetics, which is usually regarded as the production of Saint Basil of Caesarea.

He must have been a contemporary of Constantine the Great, for Nicephorous states that although he had signed the decrees of the Council of Nicaea, he yet openly sided with the Arians. (Epiphanius Ixxv. 1, etc.; Sozomenus iii. 14; Nicephor. ix. 16.) Eustathius died after 377.


* W. A. Jurgens, "Eustathius of Sebaste" (Rome: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1959). Pp. 93.
* P. Rousseau, "Basil of Caesarea" (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994). Pp. xix + 412.

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