Record locator

Record locator

A record locator is an alphanumeric reference number used by airlines and travel agencies to identify a booking. It usually consists of between 5 and 7 letters or numerals, thus allowing a sufficient number of unique combinations.Airline systems only work in upper case, but this does not unduly restrict the possible combinations. Also, the letters I and O are not used for their visual similarity to the numbers 1 and 0.

Each airline will allocate its own record locator, and if the flight is booked by a travel agency system, then the agency will also have a different locator.:For example, Mr. Smith is flying to Paris on British Airways, and returning on Air France, all booked through a travel agent using the Galileo system. His booking will then have three locators; one for BA, one for AF, and one for Galileo. The locators are normally cross-referenced.

More than one passenger can be in the same record locator, provided they are all traveling on exactly the same itinerary and in the same class of service. Normally up to nine passengers can be on one locator, after this and the booking would usually be handled by a group travel department.

A record locator is a pointer to a PNR, (passenger name record). However, a PNR is sometimes used to mean either the locator, or the entire booking and its details.


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