HMS Britannia (1820)

HMS Britannia (1820)

HMS "Britannia" was a 120-gun first rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, laid down in 1813 and launched on October 20 1820.

Commissioned in 1823, she saw service in the Mediterranean from 1830-1 and in 1841. She was decommissioned in 1843, before returning to service for the Crimean War, serving as flagship of Admiral Sir James Deans Dundas, commanding the British fleet in the Mediterranean and Black Sea from 1851-4.

She returned to England at the beginning of 1855 and that year became a hospital ship at Portsmouth, then a cadet training ship in 1859. She was moved to Portland in 1862, then Dartmouth in 1863.

She was finally sold for scrapping in 1869. Her place at Dartmouth was taken by HMS "Prince of Wales", which was renamed "Britannia" for the role.

Generations of naval officers had their first taste of the navy aboard the two "Britannias". Alumni included John Fisher, Percy Scott, John Jellicoe, Roger Keyes, William Boyle, Augustus Agar and King George V.

ee also

*Captain J.M. Langtry: HMS "Britannia's" commander from September 23 1841 until December 24 1841.


*Lavery, Brian (2003) "The Ship of the Line - Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650-1850." Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-252-8.

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