SMS Seeadler

SMS Seeadler

: "This page is about the long range cruiser. For the WWI commerce raider windjammer see SMS Seeadler (Windjammer)".

SMS "Seeadler" ("Sea Eagle") was part of a new breed of warships created by the new German Imperial Navy. To protect the Empire's growing overseas possessions and colonies, the navy needed ships seaworthy enough to venture out into far off oceans and have the coal supply to reach far off destinations. The result was the new class of small cruisers, or "Avisos", of the "Bussard" class, rated Class IV cruisers.

The "Kreuzer IV" class was an entirely new concept. Although termed cruisers, these ships were built for the specific purpose of service abroad. They had a large coal storage capacity as well as masts and sails to assist the steam engines on long-range voyages. They also had an extensive electrical system, unusual for the time, and a large searchlight located above the bridge.

SMS "Seeadler" was the third ship of her class. She had originally been named "Kaiseradler", but this was changed to "Seeadler" when it was decided that the new Imperial Yacht would have this name. The ship was commissioned for trials in 1892 which were completed by 1893. On 25 March 1893 "Seeadler", along with SMS "Kaiserin Augusta", set sail for the United States to take part in the 400th Anniversary Discovery of America Celebrations. During the crossing she ran out of coal and had to be towed the rest of the way by "Kaiserin Augusta".

"Seeadler" was then sent to the East Africa Station and arrived in the port of Adan on 20 June 1893. She remained in the region until 1898, taking part in several military actions and operations as well as the typical colonial duties. After four years in Africa, "Seeadler" was ordered home in May 1898.

On arrival in Kiel in June 1898, the ship was decommissioned and overhauled. Modifications were completed in October 1899 and the ship was recommissioned. "Seeadler" was sent to South East Asia where she arrived in November, spending the next five years visiting various ports and taking part in various operations.

In August 1905, SMS "Seeadler" was ordered back to East Africa to help suppress a rebellion in the colony. Arriving in Dar es Salaam in October 1905, "Seeadler" was used in various operations against the rebels. After the rebellion was suppressed in February 1906, the ship sailed for Cape Town for repairs. These were completed by mid March 1906 and "Seeadler" returned to Dar es Salaam. "Seeadler" remained in the region until January 1914. By this time she had served thirteen and a half years overseas. The ship left East Africa on 9 January 1914 and arrived in Kiel on 18 January. At the end of that month it was decided to strike "Seeadler" from the active list and she was decommissioned in Danzig. When World War I broke out in August 1914, "Seeadler" was moved to Wilhelmshaven to be used as a mine hulk. The end came in 1917 when a mine exploded on board and destroyed the ship.


*Hochseeflotte History Page at

External links

* [ Seeadler History and Info Page]

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