

"For the settlement in England, see Peene, Kent, for the small river in France, see Peene Becque, for the Flemish physician and playwright, see Hippoliet van Peene (1811–1864)."-----Infobox River | river_name = Peene

caption = Peene river near Jarmen
origin = Mecklenburg
mouth = Baltic Sea
basin_countries = Germany
length = ±175 km
elevation = 28 m
discharge =
watershed = 5,110 km²
The Peene (IPA2|ˈpeːnə, _pl. Piana, literally foam) is a river in Germany. The Westpeene, Kleine Peene and Ostpeene flow into the Lake Kummerow, and from there as Peene proper to Anklam and into the Oder Lagoon.

The western branch of the Oder River, which separates the island of Usedom from the German mainland, is often also called Peene, but actually is considered a part of the Baltic Sea called Peenestrom. It is one of three channels connecting the Oder Lagoon with the Bay of Pomerania of the Baltic Sea (the other channels being the Świna and the Dziwna).

Major towns on the Peene are:
* Demmin
* Anklam
* Usedom
* Wolgast
* Peenemünde

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