Erica Terpstra

Erica Terpstra

Erica Georgine Terpstra (born May 26, 1943 in The Hague) is a retired freestyle swimmer from the Netherlands, who won two medals at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo: the bronze medal in the 4x100 metres Freestyle Relay and the silver in the 4x100 metres Medley Relay. At her only individual start, on the 100m Freestyle, she finished in fourth position in the final. Four years earlier, at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Terpstra came sixth in de 100m Freestyle, and fourth in the 4x100 Medley Relay.

After her swimming career Terpstra became involved in politics. She was a member of parliament for the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), for whom she served as State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport. In October 2003 she was appointed chairman of the Dutch Olympic Committee.


* [ Dutch Olympic Committee]

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