

Taxiarhos (Ταξίαρχος) (Ταξχος) is used in the Greek language to mean "Brigadier".

In Ancient Greece the title/rank was held by a number of officers in the armies of several but not all city-states. With Sparta being a notable exception. In Athens it was an elected position of the chief military officer of a traditional tribe. Athens consisted of ten such tribes, with every free citizen both belonging and able to represent each one. All ten taxiarhoi served under the Polemarch of Athens.

In the modern Hellenic Army the rank is equivalent to Brigadier General. It is superior to an Syntagmatarhis (Colonel) and inferior to an Ypostrategos (Major General). The insignia consists of a flame, two crossing swords and a diamond star. A Taxiarhos typically serves as the commanding officer of a Taxiarhia (Brigade) or Executive Officer of a Merarhia (Division).

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