

:"For the Tibetan ceremonial scarf, see Khata. For the Mongolian activist, see Hada (activist)."

Hada is the name of a clan of Rajputs. They are in fact a branch of the Chauhan clan of Agnivanshi rajputs. They ruled the states of Bundi and Kotah in the present-day Indian state of Rajasthan for several centuries until 1947.

The Hadas are direct descendants of Manik Rae, who is the ancestor of 24 patrilineal branches of the Chauhan clan. One of Manik Rae's descendants, Rao Anuraj, was the progenitor of the Hada Clan. In the 12th century A.D., Hada Rao Deva conquered and founded Bundi state. The area covered by the state came to be known as "Hadauti," a derivative of the word "Hada." Hadauti was splintered in time to form three smaller states: Bundi, Kota and Jhalawar. Except for Jhalawar, the other states were ruled by dynasties belonging to the Hada clan until 1947.

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