Geza X

Geza X

Geza X or Geza Gedeon was one of the crucial personalities in the Los Angeles punk scene which thrived in the late '70s. Geza produced records for a number of early and influential LA punk bands including the Dead Kennedys, The Germs, Black Flag, The Avengers and The Weirdos. His productions of "Holiday in Cambodia" for the Dead Kennedys and "Lexicon Devil" for The Germs separated California's punk sound from others at the time with its eccentricity, humor and spunk, making Los Angeles a very different than the scenes in New York or London.

The "Power Pals" fan club was started after the release of the song "We Need More Power". It was thought that if enough people joined this fan club they would conquer the impossible and obtain telekinetic powers.Telekinetic powers were indeed obtained because of a brush with supreme talent, of course Bob Jones of Desperation Squad.

He also played guitar, sang, and dealt with most studio issues in his band Geza X and the Mommymen. They released one official single and a full-length album on minor label, Final Gear in 1982. The song "Isotope Soap" was also featured on Jello Biafra's Let Them Eat Jellybeans sampler via Alternative Tentacles, and "We Need More Power" appeared on Posh Boy's Rodney on the ROQ Volume Two.

Geza X dated Josie Cotton for many years; they currently co-own Satellite Park Recording in Malibu, remaining lifelong friends. Since 2006, Geza has been engaged to fashion model Larva.

External links

* [ Studio 808's Profile on Geza X]
* [ AllMusicGuide Bio On Geza X]
* [ Geza X and The Mommymen at the Punk Vault]
* [ Power Pals fanclub merch]

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