Vidar Bauer

Vidar Bauer

Vidar Bauer (born September 19, 1954 in Grue, Norway) is a handball player and coach.

For most of his active career, he played for Kolbotn I.L. He was the third of five siblings and for several years, his older brother, Runar Bauer, and his younger brother, Hans Edvard Bauer, played on the same team.

Between 1978 to 1985, he played 153 international games for the Norwegian National team.

Vidar Bauer won the Norwegian National league with Kolbotn in 1983 and 1984.

Bauer was made an honorable member of Kolbotn I.L. in 1985 and in 1999 the Norwegian Handball Federation (NHF) awarded him “Håndballstatuetten” in recognition of his contribution to Norwegian handball.

After retiring as a player, Bauer has been a coach for a number of teams, both at the senior and junior level.

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* [ Handball website] no icon

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