Anthonie Duyck

Anthonie Duyck

Anthonie Duyck (c. 1560 - September 13, 1629 [] ) was Grand Pensionary of Holland between 1621 and 1629. He was born in The Hague and studied law in Leiden. In 1589, he became public prosecutor at the 'Raad van State.' This was, next to the Estates General, the central constitutional body of the United Provinces. As official of the 'Raad van State,' he accompanied Prince Maurice of Orange on his military campaigns between 1591 and 1602. He wrote long reports about these military campaigns for his superiors in The Hague. In 1602, he became registrar at the court of Holland. He was named as one of the public prosecutors against his will for the special court which tried Johan van Oldebarnevelt. This court pronounced the death penalty in 1619. Duyck became grand pensionary of Holland in 1621. His tasks were moderate compared to the tasks of Oldebarnevelt. Oldebarnevelt was an important political leader, while Duyck was more an official.

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