- Breath sounds
Breath sounds refer to the specific sounds identified through
auscultation of therespiratory system with astethoscope .In this context, "adventitious" refers to sounds heard apart from the normal sounds of inspiration and
expiration .A new technology,
vibration response imaging , produces dynamic images of the lungs by measuring thevibration energy generated inlungs . It is non-invasive and radiation-free. Developed byIsraeli pediatrician Igal Kushnir, the equipment is marketed as [http://www.deepbreeze.com/Default.aspx Deep Breeze] .Types of adventitious breath sounds
* Rales, crackles or crepitations
*Wheeze andstridor
*Friction rub
*Rhonchi [ [http://www.drhull.com/EncyMaster/R/rhonchi.html rhonchi ] ] -- indicative ofbronchitis
*inspiratory gasp -- indicative ofwhooping cough
*Hamman's sign (orMediastinal crunch ) [ [http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00456.html Hamman sign ] ] -- indicative ofpneumomediastinum References
External links
* [http://www.rale.ca/Recordings.htm R.A.L.E. Repository] - sound files of breath sounds
* [http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/micro/respiratory/normlung.htm Distinguishing sounds]
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