out of the box — ► if something can be used out of the box, it can be used immediately, without a lot of effort being needed to prepare it: »These solutions work straight out of the box. »an out of the box training program Main Entry: ↑out … Financial and business terms
Out of the Box — Out of the Boss Álbum de estudio de Jade Valerie Villalon Publicación 17 de octubre de 2007 Grabación 2007 Género(s) Pop, dance, rock, clási … Wikipedia Español
out of the box — Thinking out of the box is thinking in a creative way. However, it can also be used for a ready made product that requires no specialist knowledge to set it up … The small dictionary of idiomes
out of the box — [a̮ut əv ðə bɔks; engl., eigtl. = aus der Schachtel, der Verpackung] (EDV): betriebsfertig, ohne dass noch zusätzliche Komponenten ein od. angebaut werden müssen … Universal-Lexikon
Out of the box — You might be looking for: Thinking outside the box. For other uses, see Out of the box (disambiguation). Out of the box is the term used to denote items, functionalities, or features that do not require any additional installation. In addition to … Wikipedia
out of the box — Thinking out of the box is thinking in a creative way. However, it can also be used for a ready made product that requires no specialist knowledge to set it up. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Out of the Box Publishing — Inc. Type Privately Held company Founded 1998 (Madison, Wisconsin) Headquarters Windsor, Wisconsin … Wikipedia
Out of the Box (Joel Turner album) — Out of the Box Studio album by Joel Turner Released October 6, 2007 … Wikipedia
Out of the Box (Jade Valerie album) — Out Of The Box Studio album by Jade Valerie Released October 17, 2007 (mini album) Recorded 2007 Genre Pop/dance/rock/classical … Wikipedia
Out-of-the-box-Lösung — Out of the box Lö|sung, die (EDV): Fertigprodukt, das sämtliche zur Lösung eines bestimmten Problems erforderlichen Mittel enthält … Universal-Lexikon