Louise Summers

Louise Summers

Infobox soap character
series =Hollyoaks

caption1 = Roxannee McKee as Louise Summers
name = Louise Summers
series = Hollyoaks
portrayer = Roxanne McKee
first = January 2005
last =
born = 12 December 1981
death =
occupation =Co-Owner of Evissa & The Loft
spouse = Sean Kennedy (deceased)
Calvin Valentine (ex-fiancee)
Warren Fox (engaged)
relations = Ben Davies (boyfriend)
Darren Osborne (boyfriend)
siblings= Katy Fox (sister-in-law-to-be)

Louise Summers is a fictional character on the long-running British Channel 4 television soap opera "Hollyoaks".

She is played by actress Roxanne McKee.

Character history

Arriving In Hollyoaks

Louise arrived in February 2005 as Darren Osborne’s holiday girlfriend, introducing herself as Louise Summers. Louise went behind Darren’s back with Ben Davies and after being accused of stealing Ben’s wedding ring and money from Jack Osborne (which was revealed to have been stolen by Darren), Louise left Hollyoaks for a while, but only to reappear as an administrative assistant at Hollyoaks Community College. Louise didn't like working at HCC as she hated the students and their petty problems. She also managed to rekindle her romance with Ben and build a friendship with Becca Hayton. However, from there on she developed a reputation of being spiteful and malicious as she often collided with students, especially Lisa Hunter, whom she felt was a threat to her relationship with Ben. Although, soon she was to proved right as Ben ended up dumping her and began a relationship with Lisa. Louise attempted to get her own back on Lisa after making false allegations that she attacked her, but Louise never went on to press charges as Ben threatened to reveal the allegations were false. After deciding that Ben wasn't worth all the trouble she was going to she left Ben to Lisa.


She soon gained the nickname Ice Queen and an unwanted admirer in Joe Spencer. During a party at theStudent Union bar, student Andy Holt noticed Joe getting turned down by Louise and decided to help him out by spiking her drink with GHB. Fortunately Joe assumed she was drunk and didn't want to take advantage of her and left her on his bed (whilst he slept on the couch), when she came to in the morning she realised that she had been drugged. She then launcher a campaign to make students aware of the spiking. After Dannii Carbone, came to her, and asked how she would know if someone spiked her drink, Dannii confessed that she had been raped by Andy. Soon Sophie and Mel Burton also admitted to being raped and she helped Dannii, Sophie and Mel through their ordeals by helping them to confess to the police.

Return Of Old Friends

While on holiday with Mandy Hutchinson and Clare Cunningham in "", the three ladies eventually ended up at a country house owned by Louise's estranged husband Sean Kennedy. They had been involved in a time share scam in Ibiza, started by Sean, and Louise had left him when she caught him in bed with a barmaid. He followed her to Hollyoaks for a reconciliation. While she denied she had feelings for him it became obvious that she did, as she became annoyed when he flirted with other girls. They eventually reconciled but could not survive the appearance of Warren Fox, an old friend of Sean and Louise's, whom Sean had put in prison. Sean had a debt to Warren for whistleblowing on him and sending him to prison for 18 months. Warren had returned for his collection of £100000, which of course Sean did not have after setting up Evissa. However, instead of the money, Sean offered Warren Louise, for one night. Louise reluctantly agreed, under the impression it was Warren's idea. When Louise met Warren in a hotel room, she soon found out that it was her husband who put forward the idea. She returned to Sean, who was in a state of anxiety, and lead him to believe that she had gone through with sleeping with Warren. In reality, they did not, but Louise desperately did not want to believe Warren when he told her the truth about the 'deal'. As Sean continued to lie she asked him to leave Hollyoaks for good. Due to his debt to Warren and guilt he felt for Louise he was forced to sign his business and flat over to them. Warren and Louise then started to work together as Warren made her co-owner and manager of Evissa.

New Friends

After Sophie and Mel's mother left Hollyoaks she offered them a place to stay with her but tragedy struck when the twins died in a fire started by serial rapist, Sam Owen (who was revealed to be Andy Holt's partner in the rapes). She then became good friends with Carmel McQueen and Frankie Osborne, who she hired to replace Sophie and Mel at Evissa. Soon Warren moved into the flat with Louise and there was some chemistry between the two. They then went on a date of sorts which ended abruptly when Warren snorted cocaine with Clare in the toilets of The Loft, disgusted at what she saw, she quickly ended it with Warren. Warren then made it his mission to win her back but she soon started dating nice guy, and family man, Calvin Valentine, who is also the local police officer.

In December 2006, Louise went on holiday and met a man from Blackburn named Andy. They became lovers and she hoped for a relationship with him, but after she arrived back in Hollyoaks, a woman called her and said she was married to Andy.

Return Of Sean

After a few months Sean turned up in the village asking for money from Louise, saying she betrayed him and making all sorts of accusations. He became angry after he discovered Warren had given her co-ownership of Evissa and tried to intimidate her into paying him the money he wanted. She offered him £100 and he refused saying he needed £10,000. They had a scuffle, and this resulted in Sean violently punching Louise leaving her with a black eye and running off. Then when she offered Sean half of what he wanted after finding him hiding in her home, he did not hit her, but Sean pinned Louise against the wall and demanded the money sooner. When Warren returned from his brief stay in Leeds, he found Louise sporting the nasty black eye. Louise tried to lie to Warren and say that it was a burglar at Evissa but Warren wasn't to be fobbed off. Louise eventually had to admit that she needed help, she needed money. Warren did ask whom the money was for but all Louise was prepared to say was that she was in debt and needed to pay it off. Warren came up with the goods, but before that, he managed to find out that Sean was the guy Louise owed money to from Zak Ramsey, whom was in Evissa at the time Sean visited Louise, but left before anything happened. Warren then made Louise tell him everything, and he gave her the money to give to Sean.

ean's Disappearance

Unknown to Louise, before Sean managed to flit off into the sunset with her and Warren's money, Warren locked him in a cab and drove off. It was then revealed that Warren had killed Sean by accident when they were struggling in the forest, and had buried him there. The police acknowledged Sean's disappearance and began to search for him. Louise thought that Warren was behind it and confronted him, but he repeatedly denied having anything to do with it. However, Warren was aware that the police were looking for Sean so he and Justin Burton set out into the forest at night and dig up his body.

Unfortunately, Sean had left a note for Louise's then current boyfriend, copper Calvin Valentine, saying that Louise had taken drugs in Ibiza, helped Sean out in a business of dodgy time shares and slept with Warren for money. Calvin believed all of this and didn't give Louise a chance to explain her side of things, branding her a slut and finishing their relationship. Louise was comforted by flatmate Warren and they slept together, with Warren admitting that he'd loved Louise for a very long time. However, Calvin begged for Louise back and she moved in with his family, however failed to tell Calvin that she slept with Warren during their break. However, Justin confronted her and told her he knew that she slept with Warren after she forced him to move out of the Valentine;s home, because of this she ended up pregnant and didn't know if Warren or Calvin is the father. Calvin was thrilled when Louise revealed she was pregnant and decided it was time to start a family, so proposed to Louise who accepted.

ecrets and Lies

Feeling guilty about sleeping with Warren and not knowing the paternity of the baby, with the help of
Clare Devine, Louise had an abortion. Claire also recommended that Louise tell Calvin she had a miscarriage so as not to hurt him. Louise did what Claire had said and reluctantly told Calvin she had lost the baby. Louise and Calvin were both devastated by the loss of her baby. After learning of this Warren offered his former lover a shoulder to cry on. This was followed by a furious row in which Warren accused Louise of being glad her baby was dead. In response to this an angry and hurt Louise slapped him and shouted at him to get out.

After learning of Sean's murder Louise went to visit Sean's mum. While she was away Clare told Calvin everything about the baby, that it was actually an abortion and that it could have been Warren's child. On Louise's return Calvin was furious after finding out about her abortion and called her a bitch and a lying little cow. He then threw her clothes out into the street and chucked her out. She was left to pick up her clothes off the street with a smug Clare watching.

Who pushed Clare?

Louise then spent the night at Evissa, but Carmel offered her a place to stay at the McQueens. She saw Clare on her way to Carmels and punched her. Clare then told Louise that she had slept with Sean which led to the pair having a massive fight on the street. Calvin intervened and eventually stopped the fight.

Louise then became one of five named suspects for the attempted murder of Clare Devine. She was questioned though she informed the police that she could not reveal any information until her Dad arrived with a solicitor from London. She was released and told not to leave the area. It is unlikely that Louise pushed Clare, as she was so intoxicated that night that Darren Osborne had to call a taxi and send her home. But after the attack, Louise was not at the McQueens, she was in Evissa where she was seen being sick, meaning that Louise still could have pushed Clare. Louise then turned to drink after agonising over the fact that she could not remember if she had pushed Clare or not.

Calvin and Louise agreed to be each others alibi's for the night Clare was pushed. They ended up kissing and then slept together. However, Calvin told her he had just gotten distracted and told her he didn't want to be with her. Louise was in tears and ran out of the Valentines holding her bra in her hand. Louise then went to visit Warren in prison. She told him she thinks she pushed Clare but Warren was adamant it was someone else. The next day, Warren's sister Katy found Louise passed out on her couch surrounded by bottles.

On July 12, 2007 she found out that Mercedes McQueen had slept with Warren on the night of Clare's attack but was still refusing to give him an alibi. Furious Louise set off for the church were Russ Owen and Mercedes were getting married and interrupted the ceremony, informing everyone of Mercedes' infidelity, saying 'What about sleeping with Warren Fox? Is that a lawful impediment?'. Mercedes was able to convince Russ that Louise was lying, even though she wasn't and the cheating Mercedes had indeed slept with him.

On 25th July, in a confrontation in The Dog, Darren admitted to calling a taxi for Louise on the night of the attack, claiming Louise to be "almost passed out". As the taxi driver took her straight home, Louise has been vindicated from the list of suspects as she has an alibi. However after Clare had been pushed Louise was in Evissa not at her home; meaning Louise still could have pushed Clare.

Reconciliation with Warren

Louise testified for Warren, saying he was a "shoulder to cry on". As the jury announced their verdict, Louise mouthed "I love you" to Warren. After Mercedes showed up at the last minute to admit she had sex with Warren the night Clare was pushed, Warren was found not guilty. Outside the court, Louise and Warren kissed and she told him she meant what she said, leaving viewers to wonder if they are going to get together properly.

When Warren returned, she had a bit of doubt about him being "a changed man" so she was wowed when he gave her a fireman's lift into Il Gnosh, for her to find a romantic lunch waiting there for them.

Warren kept pressuring Clare to sell the Loft to him and Louise. Clare tried to force a wedge between Louise and Warren, saying Warren was only using her and Louise believed her. Later in the Loft, Clare heard a noise and went to the balcony to investigate when Warren creeped up behind her and began to threaten her, telling her to stay away from Louise and demanded she sell to him. This left Clare visibly shaken and scared.

Louise, along with OB, Max, Justin, Warren, and Warren's sister Katy, showed up at The Loft to give Clare a send-off as she was on her way out of town after being forced to sell the club to Warren. Clare told Louise she was obsessed with her makeup and mirror and Warren would not notice if she was replaced with a Barbie doll. Clare then left town, returning in secret to kidnap Katy, demanding that Warren kill Justin after finding out he was the one who tried to kill her. After finding out Justin wasn't dead, but just lying still, Clare drove her car over the edge of a water quarry. Warren, Justin, and Clare's Husband Max Cunningham rescued Katy and, although Max reluctantly tried to save her, Clare was lost in the water, and was(falsely) presumed dead.

Louise now had a fresh start with Warren, who had worked hard to prove his love for her. Louise also helped Katy when Katy's name was left off the class list at HCC. After Warren was unable to help, Louise used her old HCC ties to blackmail the enrollment officer into including Katy's name on the list.

Warren and Louise were happy, but unbeknownst to Louise, another cloud was over their heads, as Warren began to worry the police would find Sean's body and that Louise would learn he actually had killed Sean.

The police called Louise to tell her they had found a body in the river, matching Sean's description. She went to identify it, with a terrified Warren, but it was not the body of Sean.

Katy kept on pressurising Warren to tell Louise that he killed Sean and after he promised to tell her she had a talk with Justin where he told her about him digging up the body of Sean which made Katy decide against what she had originally told Warren to do. Katy and Justin rushed up to Louise's flat and got there just before Warren revealed all about Sean's death. Katy had a talk with Warren and instead of telling Louise what he was going to tell her he proposed which she happily told him that she will marry him.

Evissa Fire

Warren threw a surprise engagement party at the Loft for himself and Louise, during which they argued and Louise left to go to Evissa, very upset. While sitting in Evissa's back room pondering her engagement with Warren, Ste Hay breaks into Evissa and takes money out of the till. He then proceeds to trash the place subsequently notifying Louise of his presence, and as he drops a lit match into the bin Louise attempts to flee. Ste attacks her from behind and the pair tussle, resulting in Ste's overpowering of Louise and throwing her to the floor, and Louise violently smacking her head on a table badly as she falls.

The fire grows and Ste runs for it, leaving Louise unconscious on the floor of Evissa amongst the ever-growing fire, head bleeding. At the door, for a second, he had a look of contmeplation of saving her, but thought against it and leaves her to die. The last we see of Louise is her lying on the floor amongst the flames surrounding her, with a pool of blood underneath her head from where she smacked it on a table.

Having left Warren and Louise's engagement party, Calvin Valentine, about to kiss Carmel McQueen, sees the fire in Evissa and goes in and emerges with Louise. He gives her mouth-to-mouth, which Warren, of course, does not take kindly to. Warren, however, does say thank you to him, although also accuses him of wanting to play the hero and win Louise's affection back, to which Calvin replies that he still cares about her but doesn't want to be with her.

Warren finds Louise's engagement ring in Evissa and vows to find the person who did this to Louise. Later on as Josh Ashworth emerges from a shop with a birthday cake for his cousin Beth Clement's birthday, he runs into Ste who is working, sweeping the ground. They have a slight confrontation resulting in Ste trying to make Josh scared, by saying that he wouldn't want to mess with him, and saying "look what happened when Warren messed with me". Josh leaves, disgusted, and Ste resumes his work, unknowing that Warren was behind the corner and had heard him tell Josh he was the thief who set Evissa on fire.

Warren later turns up at Ste and Amy Barnes' house, where Ste is alone. He attacks him and leaves him crumpled on the floor.

Thankfully Louise survived the fire and during her stay in hospital she told Warren she loved him.

As a result of the fire Evissa was a wreak and was refurbished by Malachy Fisher. Evissa was then re-opened on 3 December 2007 3 weeks after the fire took place. As Louise was walking towards Evissa she hurt her ankle on the pavement and Niall Rafferty came to see if she was OK. Warren Saw and thought Niall was mugging Louise, Warren ran over and dragged Niall off Louise and Niall reacted by punching Warren in the face. Louise then explained to Warren that Niall was Evissa's new stylist.

The Dog

A few days before Christmas 2007, Warren bet The Loft against Darren Osborne's half of the Dog in the Pond in a game of poker. Warren won. When he slyly told Louise he'd gotten her a Dog for Christmas, she was upset and accused him of going back to his old ways. He protested that he'd done nothing illegal. She felt guilty because of what this would do to Frankie. Warren and Louise went to the pub later that day to break the news, and Jack had a heart attack, but he survived.

Hostages At The Dog

On Wednesday 20 February 2008 Carl and Anthony (who are Warren's dodgy old mates) raided the Dog and held Louise, Newt, Jack and Frankie hostage at gunpoint, and demanded cash. When they refused Carl and Anthony got rough with them and this led Jack to have another heart attack. Warren arrived to find Anthony violently dragging Louise by the hair around the bar so Warren burst in, and wrestled a gun from Anthony but Carl managed to knock Warren out. During this Newt had managed to make a secret call to the police and when the police arrived Anthony smashed up the bar. Anthony and Carl then used Louise and Jack as human shields to escape the pub without being arrested, but Darren couldn't bare to see Louise and Jack being held hostage and runs over to help his dad and Louise, but in a confrontation Darren was shot and rushed to hospital while Anthony escaped in a car but Carl was arrested.

The following day, Louise booked into a hotel as she told Warren that she has had enough of Warren's old mates threatening to kill her. Warren managed to persuade her not to leave him, as he went into the hospital to see Jack and Frankie. Later Warren came back home to Louise and she was relieved to know Darren was going to be OK, and was also happy when Warren gave back The Dog In The Pond back to the Osborne's for free. After this Louise hugged Warren and told him she loved him.

Sean's Body & Katy's Exit

On Friday 4 April 2008 Louise caught Katy and Zak snogging in the Loft toilets but after a talk Louise promised she would not tell Justin. On the same day Sean's body was found and Warren later confessed to Louise that he killed Sean, however Louise was furious with Katy when Louise found out Katy already knew that Warren killed Sean. As revenge on Katy, Louise exposed Katy's affair with Zak to Warren and Katy was furious when Louise agreed she would be an alibi for Warren on the night of Sean's death as Louise did not want Warren to go to prison and claimed she still loved Warren although Katy wanted Warren to hand himself into the police and pay for his crimes. Katy then verbally attacked both Warren and Louise saying "Oh this will be one to tell the children, oh sit down mummy and daddy want to tell you something", Katy then started hitting Warren and left in a rage claiming Warren and Louise were disgraceful and sick.

On Thursday 10th April 2008, she chased after Justin, but dropped her bag. After collecting her things, she made her way to the Valentine's and banged franticly on the door, for Louise to see her. When Calvin answered, Katy pushed past, and Louise made her way up to the door and hit the door screaming for Katy, before Calvin answered and said he'd take a message and slammed the door. Later, Katy decided she was going to leave Hollyoaks Village for good, and as she was waiting for her taxi Justin stopped her and Katy and Justin had a extremely tearful farewell. As Katy got back into her taxi Justin told her that he will always love her. As Katy was on her way out of Hollyoaks, Louise and Warren stopped the taxi and Louise violently dragged Katy out of the car and Louise confronted Katy, but Warren told Louise to let him and Katy have a talk. Warren desperatly tried to persuade Katy to stay in Hollyoaks but she refused. Katy and Warren had a talk and Katy told Warren she could not cope with lying about Sean. Katy then got into the taxi and left Hollyoaks Village for good.

Feud with Frankie

Warren offered Darren £100,000 to help with money problems if he framed Jake by putting Sean's wallet in Jake's room. Jake got convicted of killing Sean and Louise was released. However Frankie doesn't believe Jake killed Sean and accused Louise of framing Jake. Shortly after Eli used Frankie's salon keys to get in and trashed the place then put red paint everywhere and wrote DIE and RIP all over the walls. The next day a thug came in with an iron bar smashed all the glasses and stole money from the till. Frankie immediately assumed Louise sent him round. Newt and Eli planted a smoke bomb in The Loft to scare Warren and Louise. They also planted a false bomb outside Evissa.

Warren's Affair

Louises' old friend Mandy returned to the villiage in June and the pair teamed up and made a new buisness as wedding planners, their first customers being Calvin Valentine and Carmel McQueen. Cindy Cunningham often stirred things up, insisting Warren and Mandy were having an affair. A furious Louise confronted both Warren and Mandy, later to accept the accusations were false. She then proposed to Warren. Sick of Louises' constant accusactions and drunken behaviour, Warren and Mandy slept together on Calvin and Carmels wedding night whilst Louise was flat out drunk on her bed back at the flat. It was later revealed that Louise nearly caught the pair, but the Loft door was shut. Little did she know her fiancee and best friend were together on the other side of the door. She then ended up sleeping in a skip. The morning after, Warren and Mandy agreed that it was a one off.

External links

* [http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/H/hollyoaks/cast/girls/louisesummers/ Louise Summers] on the [http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/H/hollyoaks Hollyoaks website]


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