File — has several meanings:* Filing cabinet * File (tool) * A nail file * Filing (legal) * Filing (manufacturing process) * File (formation) Military term for a single column of men one in front of the other. See also Rank (formation) * File (chess) *… … Wikipedia
Formation finger-four — Finger four est une formation aérienne utilisée par les avions de chasse. Elle se compose de quatre avions et quatre de ces formations peuvent être combinés en une formation d escadron. Description La formation se compose d un vol de quatre… … Wikipédia en Français
File — (f[imac]l), n. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. {Enfilade}, {Filament}, {Fillet}.] 1. An orderly succession; a line; a row; as: (a) (Mil.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
File firing — File File (f[imac]l), n. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. {Enfilade}, {Filament}, {Fillet}.] 1. An orderly succession; a line; a row; as: (a) (Mil.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
File leader — File File (f[imac]l), n. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. {Enfilade}, {Filament}, {Fillet}.] 1. An orderly succession; a line; a row; as: (a) (Mil.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
File marching — File File (f[imac]l), n. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. {Enfilade}, {Filament}, {Fillet}.] 1. An orderly succession; a line; a row; as: (a) (Mil.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
File Thirteen Records — has been a communal and musician run independent record label since 1989. File Thirteen was founded in Little Rock, Arkansas by David Burns and Jason McCloud and was more utilitarian than a business. It provided a medium for musicians that found… … Wikipedia
file — file1 fileable, adj. filer, n. /fuyl/, n., v., filed, filing. n. 1. a folder, cabinet, or other container in which papers, letters, etc., are arranged in convenient order for storage or reference. 2. a collection of papers, records, etc.,… … Universalium
file — I. /faɪl / (say fuyl) noun 1. any device, as a cabinet, in which papers, etc., are arranged or classified for convenient reference. 2. a collection of papers so arranged or classified; any orderly collection of papers, etc. 3. Computers a… …
formation en ligne de file — vora statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Rikiuotė, kurioje padaliniai išdėstyti vienas už kito. atitikmenys: angl. column formation pranc. formation en ligne de file ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – vora po vieną dar žiūrėk – transporto srautas … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas