

The term editor may refer to:

As a person who does editing:
* Copy editing, making formatting changes and other improvements to text
* Business editing, making revisions, formatting and syntax improvements to business documents
* Film editing, connecting shots to form a sequence then an entire movie
* Literary editor, in a newspaper or similar, deals with reviews or literary criticism
* Consulting editor, non-salaried, independent literary editor
* Contributing editor, a magazine or book-publishing title, sometimes honorary, with a variety of meanings
* Managing editor, senior member of a publication's management team
* Sound editor, prepares the sound mixing a TV program or film
* Picture editor, (aka photo editor) collects and reviews photographs and/or illustrations for publication in alignment with preset guidelines

As a computer program:
* Character editor, for editing characters in computer games
* Digital audio editor, for editing audio data
* Graphics editor, for creating and manipulating visual images
** Raster graphics editor, for editing pictures in bitmap or raster format
** Vector graphics editor, for editing pictures in vector format
* Level editor, for editing levels of computer games
* Hex editor, for editing binary data
* HTML editor, for editing web pages
* MS-DOS Editor, a plain-text editor for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows
* Source code editor, for editing source code
* Text editor, for editing plain text
* Word processor, for producing and editing any sort of printable material
* WYSIWYG editor, for editing and visualizing formatted text or graphics
* XML editor, for editing XML data

As other uses:
* Editors, indie rock band from Birmingham, England
* Linear video editing, editing images and sound recorded on videotape
* Non-linear editing system, audio or video editing system allowing random access
* The Editor, villain in the "Doctor Who" episode "The Long Game"
* Visual editor, person who decides the placement of art objects in a given space

ee also

* List of video editing software
* Comparison of video editing software
* Video editing software

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • editor — ed‧i‧tor [ˈedtə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. JOBS the person who has responsibility for deciding what should be included in a newspaper or magazine: • Lawson had seen many financial scandals when working as a City Editor. • the foreign editor of… …   Financial and business terms

  • editor — EDITÓR, OÁRE, editori, oare, s.m. şi f. Persoană care editează o operă. – Din fr. éditeur, lat. editor, oris. Trimis de LauraGellner, 10.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  EDITÓR s. (înv.) librar. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime  editór s …   Dicționar Român

  • Editor — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra editor puede hacer referencia a: Editor o editorial, persona o empresa que publica libros, revistas, etc. Montaje. Un programa de computadora como un: Editor de texto, un programa para editar texto sin… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • editor — editor, ra sustantivo masculino,f. 1. Persona que dirige el proceso de publicación de una obra. 2. Persona que, siguiendo criterios filológicos, prepara un texto para su publicación: Es la editora de un libro de poemas de Neruda. sustantivo… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • editor — editor, ra (Del lat. edĭtor, ōris). 1. adj. Que edita. 2. Inform. Dicho de un programa: Que permite redactar, corregir, archivar, etc., textos registrados en ficheros de símbolos. U. t. c. s. m.) 3. m. y f. Persona que publica por medio de la… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • editor — 1640s, publisher, from L. editor one who puts forth, agent noun from editus, pp. of edere (see EDITION (Cf. edition)). By 1712 in sense of person who prepares written matter for publication; specific sense in newspapers is from 1803 …   Etymology dictionary

  • editor — |ô| adj. 1. Que edita. • s. m. 2. Pessoa que edita por sua conta. 3. Indivíduo que nas empresas jornalísticas assume a responsabilidade dos artigos publicados. 4. Empresa que edita. = EDITORA, EDITORIAL   ‣ Etimologia: latim editor, oris …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • editor — èdītor m DEFINICIJA 1. izdavač, nakladnik 2. onaj koji tekst priprema za tisak, dogovara koncepciju i sl.; redaktor, glavni urednik 3. inform. program koji omogućava kreiranje i promjenu sadržaja datoteka (obično tekstovnih datoteka) [tekstovni… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Editor — Ed i*tor, n. [L., that which produces, from edere to publish: cf. F. [ e]diteur.] One who edits; esp., a person who prepares, superintends, revises, and corrects a book, magazine, or newspaper, etc., for publication. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Edĭtor — (lat.), 1) Herausgeber eines Buches; 2) (röm. Ant.), s.u. Edition 4) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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