- Universalglot
Universalglot is an "a posteriori"international auxiliary language published by the French linguistJean Pirro in1868 in "Tentative d'une langue universelle, Enseignement, grammaire, vocabulaire". PredatingVolapük by a decade andEsperanto by nearly 20 years, Universalglot has been called the first "complete auxiliary-language system based on the common elements in national languages".Bray, Mary Connell. "Introduction" in Alexander Gode et al. "." Storm Publishers, New York, 1951.] In his book describing his own language projectNovial ,Otto Jespersen praised the language, writing, "one to which I constantly recur with the greatest admiration, because it embodies principles which were not recognized till much later".Jespersen, Otto, PhD., Litt.D., LL.D. " [http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/AILesp.html An International Language] " 1928]Pirro gave it more than 7,000 basic words and a lot of prefixes for the usage of a very extensible vocabulary.
This language uses 26 letters:
* a "Σ/σ" is used instead of "sh".
* a "Ü/ü" is used for German "Ü/ü" (or French "U/u") Pronunciation of letters:
*"c" is "ts", "i" is never like "ahi", "j" is like "y", "q" is en:"kw", fr:"kou", de:"ku", "v" is never like "f", "x" is "ks"
*"a, e, i, o, u" have their usual non-English pronunciations.Substantives and adjectives
Substantives and adjectives never change except for the feminine form for substantives. The feminine is in "in". Ex1 (singular): El old man, el old manin. Ex.2 (plural): Li old man, Li old manin.All words can be used as substantives with the help of an article.
Only articles and pronouns indicate the singular or plural like this:
"Singular": el (de el, ex el / ad el / el), un
"Plural": li (de li, ex li / ad li / li)
The verbs have easy conjugation:
esen: "to be"i ese, tu ese, il ese, nos ese, vos ese, ili esei esed, tu esed, il esed, nos esed, vos esed, ili esedi esrai, tu esrai, il esrai, nos esrai, vos esrai, ili esraii esrais, tu esrais, il esrais, nos esrais, vos esrais, ili esraises!esantesed
haben: "to have"i habe, tu habe, il habe, nos habe, vos habe, ili habei habed, tu habed, il habed, nos habed, vos habed, ili habedi habrai, tu habrai, il habrai, nos habrai, vos habrai, ili habraii habrais, tu habrais, il habrais, nos habrais, vos habrais, ili habraishab!habanthabed
loben: "to praise"i lobe, tu lobe, il lobe, nos lobe, vos lobe, ili lobei lobed, tu lobed, il lobed, nos lobed, vos lobed, ili lobedi lobrai, tu lobrai, il lobrai, nos lobrai, vos lobrai, ili lobraii lobrais, tu lobrais, il lobrais, nos lobrais, vos lobrais, ili lobraisi habrai lobed, etc.i habrais lobed, etc.lob!lobantlobed
esen lobedi ese lobedi esed lobedi esrai lobedi esrais lobedi esrai esed lobedi esrais esed lobedes lobed!se lobeni lobe mei lobed mei lobrai mei lobrais me
da, di, fern, pertot, post, retro, sub, up, vo, pre, alterlit, hastlit, insamel, oft, rarlit, re, so, certlit, ies, non, potlit, villit, alor, altervolt, ankor, bald, ditdai, heri, jam, kras, mai, nun, postdit, primlit, semper, admindest, vix, ben, kom, mal, mind, molt, prox, quant, sat, self, talit, tant, totlit, trop, unlit.
ad, adkaus, de, ex, in, inter, kon, kontra, kontravil, ob, per, post, pre, pro, prox, retro, sin, sub, til, tra, um, up, uper.
an-, de-, di-, dis-, ab-, mis-, mal, ob-, re- and the prepositions.
Special word lists
i, de me, ex me, ad me, me, men bibel, el men, meni bibel, li menitu, de te, ex te, ad te, te, ten bibel, el ten, teni bibel, li teniil, de eil, ex eil, ad eil, eil, sen bibel, el sen, seni bibel, li seninos, de enos, ex enos, ad enos, enos, nor bibel, el nor, nori bibel, li norivos, de evos, ex evos, ad evos, evos, vor bibel, el vor, vori bibel, li voriili, de eili, ex eili, ad eili, eili, lor bibel, el lor, lori bibel, li lori
ke? de ke? ex ke? ad ke? ke?
alter, alteri; jed; nul, nuli; on; self, selfi; tal, tali; tot, toti; un, uni
un, du, tri, quat, quint, sex, sept, okt, nov, dec
11=undec, 12=dudec, 13=tridec etc.20=duta, 30=trita, etc.21=dutaun, 22=dutadu, 23=dutatri etc.
cent, mil, milion, miliar
el prim, el duli, el trili etc. el ultimprimlit, dulit, trilit etc.1/2=un midli, 3/4=tri quatlisetin:Lundai, Mardai, Erdai, Jovdai, Vendai, Samdai, Diodai = un septindudecin:Jaenner, Hornung, Maerz, April, Mai, Junius, Julius, August, September, October, November, December = un dudecin
Examples of texts in Universalglot
Leter de grat (thank letter)
Men senior,
I grate vos pro el servnes ke vos habe donated ad me. Kred, men senior, ke in un simli fal vos pote konten up me.
Adcept el adsekurantnes de men kordli amiknes.Konversatsion
Ben dai, Meni senior, i ese inkanted reinkontra evos; i habe videt evos in London, e ditdai nos finde enos in Skotland. dikt me ex ke land vos ese.
Un ex enos ese ruser e du ese italier e el quatli ese deutsch; ma nos pote toti parlen insamel, den nos parle el universal glot.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.