WOPR (pronounced "Whopper") is a fictional military computer featured in the movie and novel "WarGames". It is acronym for War Operation Plan Response.


WOPR is a form of artificial intelligence, programmed to play numerous strategy and war games, including one called "Global Thermonuclear War", the purpose being to enable itself to optimally respond to any possible enemy nuclear attack. Unbeknownst to its military users, WOPR has achieved a level of sentience, and considers itself to be named Joshua, the name of its creator's deceased son.


In the movie, "WarGames", David Lightman (Matthew Broderick), a teenage computer hacker unwittingly makes contact with WOPR by dialing random phone numbers (known as War dialing). Believing he has discovered a backdoor to the mainframe at a computer game development company, he hacks into WOPR, finds a list of games and gives the command to play the Global Thermonuclear War scenario. In the process, WOPR begins running the simulation on the main screen at NORAD, making the staff there think the Soviet Union is readying their missiles for a first strike.

When Lightman realizes what he's done and while being pursued by government agents, he, his girlfriend (Ally Sheedy), and WOPR's creator, Dr. Falken (John Wood), barely manage to gain access to NORAD headquarters (Cheyenne Mountain) and persuade the military that the data WOPR is presenting is just a simulation. WOPR then attempts to proceed with a full-scale nuclear launch on its own, ignoring all commands to stop. Furthermore, cutting power is not an option since WOPR would interpret a sudden power loss as the destruction of the base and all missiles would immediately launch in response.

Lightman and Falken are only able to persuade WOPR to stop when they trick it into playing tic-tac-toe against itself, which creates a long string of stalemates. The learned concept of futility in an unwinnable game extends to WOPR running through all the possible scenarios of nuclear war, which all end in stalemates (mutual assured destruction) as well. In the face of this data, WOPR concludes that nuclear war is a pointless exercise and stands down, stating, "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

External links

* [http://www.imsai.net/movies/wargames.htm#WOPR WOPR production information]

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