Mariachi Rosas Divinas

Mariachi Rosas Divinas

Mariachi Rosas Divinas is an all-female mariachi group from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. As one of the few all-female mariachi groups in the almost exclusively male world of mariachi, Rosas Divinas are continuing on the path commenced in the late 1990s by Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles. Mariachi Rosas Divinas is the first and only all female mariachi in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

The group was founded in September 2004 by Tabitha Sanchez originally from Taos, New Mexico and Joanna Martinez originally from Fort Worth, Texas, performing their first public gig in March 2005. Sanchez had experienced difficulty finding a comfortable place in local mainly male mariachi groups; "Many of the groups I spoke to about joining them, scoffed at me and didn't take me serious." says Sanchez. She then set out, together with Martinez, to establish an all-female group. they used the new technology of the Internet to make contact with other female exponents of traditional mariachi music who held a similar vision, and the response just within the local area demonstrated the scope for increased female participation in this genre.

Some of the members of the group, like Sanchez and Martinez, had already had experience in other mariachi groups such as Mariachi de Oro of Fort Worth, Texas and Mariachi El Tigre of Taos, New Mexico under the direction of Nick Branchal. Several members have engaged in formal music studies and they are well experienced with the various traditional instruments of the mariachi genre.

Mariachi Rosas Divinas commenced playing in a local restaurant, and this part of their work continues, but they have also performed at fairs and other public functions as well as private events. Notable performances include being featured at the State Fair of Texas in 2005 and 2006, Six Flags Over Texas 2006, The Gaylord Convention & Resort (Riverwalk Cafe), they were the first mariachi to ever perform in the Grand Cayman Islands. They have also been featured in the Southern Living Magazine May 2006, The Dallas Morning News, The Observer, Al Dia and were recently featured on Fox 4 Good Day Live Morning Show. They have also performed with such recording artists as Graciela Beltran and Fito Olivares. They are currently preparing demos and working towards the recording of their first CD.

Group members

* Tabitha Sanchez Gonzalez, director, trumpet, voice
* Kenna Betancourt (b. about 1986), trumpet, voice
* Sarah Bauzá (b. about 1989), trumpet
* Marlene Silva (b. about 1986), vihuela, voice
* Rosa Azucena (b. about 1979), guitarrón
* Maribel Gonzalez-Garcia (b. about 1985), violin
* Karen Gerardo, violin

Former member

* Joanna Martinez, director, violin, vocal 2004-2006
* Kristina Sandoval (b. about 1989), violin 2006-2007
* Maria Lopez, violin 2005-2006
* Esmeralda Velasco, guitarrón 2005-2006
* Lauren Castile (b. about 1989), violin 2006-2007

External links

* [ Official site]


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