List of Lepidoptera that feed on Senecio

List of Lepidoptera that feed on Senecio

__NOTOC__"Senecio" species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species including:

Monophagous species which feed exclusively on "Senecio"

*"Bucculatrix seneciensis"

Polyphagous species which feed on "Senecio" among other plants

*Angle Shades ("Phlogophora meticulosa")
*"Bucculatrix eurotiella"
*Buff Ermine ("Spilosoma luteum")
*Common Pug ("Eupithecia vulgata")
*Double-striped Pug ("Gymnoscelis rufifasciata")
*Flame Shoulder ("Ochropleura plecta")
*Golden-rod Pug ("Eupithecia virgaureata")
*"Hypercompe indecisa"
*"Hypercompe orsa"
*Setaceous Hebrew Character ("Xestia c-nigrum")
*Wormwood Pug ("Eupithecia absinthiata")

Nyctemera species which feed on "Senecio" among other plants

*Magpie moth ("Nyctemera annulata")cite journal
coauthors = Priham Singh, Fay E. Mabbet
title = Note on the life history of the magpie moth, "Nyctemera annulata" (Lepidoptera : Arctiidae)
journal = New Zealand Journal of Zoology
volume = 3
pages = 277–278
date = 1976
url =
accessdate = 2008-02-22
*Magpie moth ("Nyctemera amica")cite web
url =
title = "Nyctemera amica"
accessdate = 2008-02-22
format = HTML
work = Ecology of Cumberland Plain Woodland
publisher = Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
quote = Magpie Moth caterpillars feed on "Senecio quadridentatus" and other "Senecio" species. The caterpillars are poisonous to birds.

Pyralidae species which feed on "Senecio" among other plants

*Magpie moth ("Eurrhypara hortulata")

=Geometridae species which feed on "Senecio" among other plants=

*Magpie moth ("Abraxas grossulariata")


External links

* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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