

name = 3D-Calc

caption = 3D-Calc screenshot
developer = Frank Schoonjans
latest_release_version = 3.31
latest_release_date = 2003
operating_system = Atari ST
genre = Spreadsheet
license = Freeware
website = [http://www.medcalcsoftware.com/legacysoftware/atari/ www.medcalcsoftware.com]

3D-Calc is a 3-dimensional spreadsheet program for the Atari ST computer.

The first version of the program was released in April 1989 and was distributed by ISTARI bvba, Ghent, Belgium. The spreadsheet was 3-dimensional since it contained 13 pages of 2048 rows and 256 columns. Cells of different pages could be cross-referenced.

The program included an integrated scripting language, and an integrated text module with a data import feature from the spreadsheet, allowing formatted data output, mailmerge, label printing etc.

Starting May 1991, the English version was distributed by MichTron/Microdeal, Cornwall, UK.

In January 1992, version 2.3 of the program was licensed to Atari Corp., who released Dutch and French translations.

In 1994, version 3 of 3D-Calc (renamed 3D-Calc+) was licensed to the UK magazine ST Applications.

Today, 3D-Calc software is in the public domain and can be downloaded freely.

In 1992-1993 the sourcebase was ported to DOS to serve as the basis of a new statistics software package MedCalc.

External links

* [http://www.medcalcsoftware.com/legacysoftware/atari/ Official site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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