Edward Stack

Edward Stack

Edward Stack (26 April 1756 – December 1833) was an officer in the United States Marine Corps during the American Revolutionary War.


Edward Stack was born in Kealand, County Kerry, Ireland. Entering the service of Louis XV in 1770 as an Ensign in the Irish Brigade, he was appointed Aide de Camp to the King in 1772. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1777, and accompanied the Marquis de Lafayette's expedition to Virginia in 1778. He returned to France 1779, and embarked at L'Orient on the Privateer Bonhomme Richard (Captain John Paul Jones) in August, 1779.

Stack was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps by John Paul Jones on 4 February 1779. Stack commanded the division in the main top of "Bonhomme Richard" during her battle with HMS "Serapis" on 23 September 1779. This naval engagement off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, and resulted in the capture of HMS Serapis. In his report of the action, Jones commended Stack for his great bravery.

Lt. Stack remained in United States service until 1780. Later, he returned to France and was appointed to Dillon's Regiment in the Irish Brigade, with whom he accompanied the Marquis de Bouille's expedition to the West Indies and assisted in the reduction of Tobago, St. Kitts, Nevis and Monserrat.

Stack was promoted Captain in 1789 and appointed Chevalier de St. Louis and Chevalier de Cincinnatus d'Amerique by Louis XVI. He was promoted Major in 1791, and Lieut. Colonel in 1793.

The Irish Brigade, then serving in the West Indies, refused to serve under the Committee of Public Safety and transferred to the British Service 1794. At their final reduction in 1798 Lieut. Colonel Stack was placed on half-pay. In 1801 he was promoted Colonel to command the North Lowland Fencible Brigade which was broken up at the Peace of Amiens.

Proceeding on leave of absence to France he was arrested at the declaration of war and confined to the fortress at Biche but advanced to Brigadier General whilst in captivity 1803, detected in 1804 executing secret service work for the British government, sentenced to be shot together with Duc d'Enghien, but reprieved at the last moment by the Emperor Napoleon.

He transferred to Verdun in 1806, promoted Major General, 1808, promoted Lieut. General 1813; released by Louis XVIII in 1814 and returned to England, promoted General 1830.

General Stack died at Calais, France, in December 1833. USS "Stack" (DD-406) was named for him.

Source Document 77 of the second session of the Senate of the 58th United States Congress, 1905, entitled Les Combattants franc,ais de la guerre ame'ricane, 1778-1783.

The Regiment of Dillon;-Colonel le compte Arthur Dillon; Colonel en seconde le chevalier The'obald Dillon; Lieutenant Colonel Barthe'lmy Dillon;Major Jacques O'Moran;Quartier-maitre tre'sorier Barthelmy Montcarfley;Capataines Ge'rard Moore, Simon Purdon, Thomas Banks, Anselme Nugent, Paul Swigny, Robert Shee, Guillaume Moore, Bernard O' Neill, Michel O'Berin, Laurent Taffe, Capataines en Seconde Jacques de Mandeville, Philip Macquire, Jean O'Reilly, Thomas MacDermott [2] , Christophe Novolan, Denis O'Doyer, Isodore Lynck, Therence Coglan;Lieutenants Jean-Bernard Greenlaw, Thomas Dillon, Patrice O'Keefe, Claude O'Farel, Bernard O'Farel, Bernard de MacDermott, Michel Welsh, Nicolas Evin, Joseph Commerfort, Jean Browne, Jean Duggan;Lieutenants en Second Louis Darcy, Guillaume Fitzharris, Thomas Browne, Christophe Taafe, Jean Fennell, Jean Hussey, le chevalier Nicholas Whyte Seyslip, Edmond Swigney, Emanuel O'Farrell, Jacques O'Farrell;Sous-lieutenants Jacques Macloskey, Jean Baptiste de Morgan, Patrice MacSheeney, Edouard Fitzgerald, Guillaume Shee, Emmannel O'Farrell, Joseph FitzMaurice, Charles O'Reilly, Jean-Baptiste MacDonald, Daniel O'mara, Louis Knopff, Denis Mahony, Guillaume Sheldon, Charles O'Moran, Henry Owens, Patrice Strange, Henry Purdon, Patrice Murphy, Thomas DeHays.

IRISH GUARDS OF THE STUART SERVICE AND EN SERVICE DE FRANCE.Regiment of Walsh [Actually The Irish Guards 1662 en service de France ou 'Les Ancien guardes Irlandais'.] . [This list may be truncated as it is of the Land Army the Regiment served as marines with De Grasse and also with John Paul Jones on the Bonhomme Richard [Edward Stack & Eugene macCarthy] below. and the Alliance, at least.] Major Thadee O'Brien, Quartier-mai^tre tre'sorier Charles Brancelin; Capataines Thomas de Fitzmaurice, Le Chevalier Charles de Walsh, Jean o'Niel, Jacques de Nagle, Jean o'Brien, Jacques Darcy;

----Capataines en seconde Edouard Stack, Laurent Bellew, Charles O'Croly, Jacques O'Driscol, le chevalier Armand O'Connor; Lieutenants Franc,ois Plunkett, Jacques O'Riordan, Guillame Keating, Richard Barry;Lieutenants en second Jacques O'Shiel, Jean-Baptiste O'Meara, Charles O'Gorman, George Meighan, Euge'ne MacCarty;Sous-lieutenants Jean Keating, James Cruice, Felix O'Crowley, Philippe Darell, Jacques O'Flyn, William Barker, Thomas Traut, David Barry, Louis O'Cahill, Jacques Tobin.

[Extract from H. MURTAH's article in page 165 of ??? a scrap in my possession, which said "George S Saussey III of the South Carolina Military Miniatures Society has drawn my attention to document no 77."Note the term Chevalier is Knight in English and should be translated as Sir Theobald Dillon Knight. etc.

Note Capataine en seconde Edouard Stack and Lieutenant en second Euge'ne MacCarty had previously served on the USS Bonhomme Richard where Edward Stack commanded the tops in the Bonhomme's last engagement when She captured HMS Serapis off Famborough Head the evening of 23 September 1779. John Paul Jones states that both were awarded promotion to capataine en seconde and Bon de Roi of 400 livres per annum for life, for their gallantry.

British Army Officers Lists 1797 [Army of Kingdom of Ireland] .A Regiment of Foot, part of the Irish Brigade. [5] .Rank Name Seniority. [Called Rank in Regiment and Rank in Army] Colonel Cha, Vice, Walsh de Serrant. 3 Mar 1796*Lieut. Colonel Edward Stack. 1 Oct 1794*Major William O'Shee

Captain John Mahoney 1 Oct 1794* Walter Devereaux * Charles Fagan* Charles Power* William Hussey* Francis Geraghty William Hely*Captain Lieutand Captain John Tempest 1 Oct 1794.

Lieutenant Gerard Pierce* I Oct 1794 John Bourke* Darby Mahony* Thomas Sutton* William O'Breanon Charles Walters* Darby Falvey* Cornelius Macgillucuddy* John Blair* John Ferris* 25 May 96 Gerard Slack* do.

Ensign Thomas Bourke* 1 Oct 1794 Connell O' Connell* Arthur O'Leary* Francis Creagh* John Harold* John Evans* 31 Aug 95 Lewis Gordon O'Neill 25 May 96 Andrew Kelly* do

Chaplain John O'Brien 1 Oct 1794Ajutant Gerald PriceQuarter-Master Darby FalveySurgeon Peter Nugent Rourke*5th Regiment A Regiment of Foot part of the Irish Brigade page 311. [Where Seniority is blank read nearest above into line.]
* later appeared in 1798 1/2 pay lists. This Regiment was the Direct Successor of King Charles II's "The Royal Irish Foot Guards" Dublin 28 May 1662 Parade, later L'Ancien Guardes Irlandais of the French Royal Service after the Treaty of Reiswick.It can be argued it is contained within in time order of accession:-1.United States Marine Corps [Service joint Congressional Commission Benjamin Franklin under Chevelier d'Épée Sir John Paul Jones USN] .2. 92 iem Infanterie de France.3. Royal Irish Regiment [amalgamation of regiments receiving the officers and men disbanded into the Royal Guelph/George III Irish Army 1798. This argument is a matter for the Kingdom of Ireland, not those of England and/or Scotland to determine] .M.P. Cusack.

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