

Infobox Album
Name = Sifar

Type = studio
Artist = Lucky Ali

Released = 1997
Recorded =
Genre = World
Length =
Label = Sony
Producer =
Reviews =
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"Sifar" is an album by the Indian singer Lucky Ali. Sifar was his second album released by Sony music in 1997.

Sifar is an Urdu word meaning "zero". The meaning implied by the singer is well represented by the CD insert in the album - "Sifar - Containing nothing, it encircles everything.Without a beginning, without an end, it stretches from emptiness to infinity and back again". "

Track listing

#"Baadalon Ki Gehraee"
#"Dekha Hai Aise"
#"Jheel Pe Jaise"
#"Mil Jaan Se"
#"Dil Aise Na Samajhna"
#"Suntay Hi Rehtay"
#"Teri Yaadein"
#"Tum Ho Wohi"
#"Nahin Rakhta Dil Main Kuch"

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