- Hadith of Qur'an and Sunnah
The Hadith about the Quran and Sunnah refers to a
Hadith , or oral tradition about the words and deeds (Sunnah ) of theIslamic Prophet Muhammad .Sunni Muslims accept this Hadith asSahih (authentic), whereas theShi'a Muslims reject this Hadith asMawdoo (fabricated). TheHadith is used by the Sunnis to stress the importance of following theSunnah .Narration
It was reported to have been said during Muhammad's Farewell Sermon atop Mount Arafat after his Last Pilgrimage. According to one version of the narration, Muhammad said:
I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet
This version is cited in many Sunni Hadith books. Amongst those is:
*Tabaqat al-Muhaditheen fi Asbahan by Abu al-Shaykh [Volume 4, p.67, hadith no. 549]
*al-Tamhid byIbn Abd al-Barr [Volume 24, p.331]
*al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain byHakim al-Nishaburi [Volume 1, p.171, hadith no 318]
*al-Sunan al-Kubra byImam al-Bayhaqi [Volume 10 p.114 hadith no #20108]The same Hadith is also narrated in the following manner:
I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and my Sunna. And these two shall never part ways until they show up at the Pond
This version is also cited in many Sunni hadith works. Among those is:
*al-Jami' li-Akhlaq al-Rawi by Al-Khatib [Vol 1 p111, 1983 ed.]
*Sunan al-Daraqutni [Vol 4 p.245 #149]
*Sira al-Nabawiyyah byIbn Hisham [vol6 p.8-10]unni View
This hadith is considered
Sahih by the Sunni, as stated by following scholars:
*Hakim al-Nishaburi [As stated in his bookMustadrak al-Hakim , vol 1 p93]
*Ibn Abd al-Barr [As stated in his workTamhid , vol 24 p331]
*Ibn Hazm [As stated in his work al-Ihkam vol 6 p243]hi'a View
Shi'as reject this Hadith and deem it to be a fabrication designed to distract from what they deem to be the real saying of Muhammad: the '
Hadith of the two weighty things '. The Sunnis accept both the 'Hadith of the Quran and Sunnah' and the 'Hadith of the two weighty things', the Shi'as believe that only the 'Hadith of the two weighty things' is authentic.At the same time, Shi'as do agree with the meaning of the Hadith, even if they deem it a fabrication. The Shi'as believe in following the Sunnah of Muhammad, but they say that this is only possible via the
Ahl al-Bayt (Muhammad's family).ee also
Hadith of the two weighty things List of Muslim reports External links
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