- Port of Dover Police
Infobox UK Police
name= Port of Dover Police
area=Port of Dover
start= 1933
population= Port staff and passengers
size= 6square miles
officers= 50 + civilian support
title= Chief Officer
head= Steve Masters
divname= Divisions
divno= N/A
stations= 2
HQ= The Police Station, Dover Eastern Docks
web= http://www.doverport.co.uk/?page=PortofDoverPoliceThe Port of Dover Police is a small non-
Home Office police service which provides police services to the Port ofDover ,Kent ,England .taffing
As of 2004, the Port of Dover Police had an establishment of one Superintendent (Chief Officer), three
Inspector s, sixSergeant s and thirty-eightConstable s. The force investigate all offences committed in the port area but receive specialist support and assistance fromKent Police when required. Although not in place in 2004, it is usual for an officer ofChief Inspector 's rank to function as the Deputy Chief Officer. [See the final three paragraphs [http://www.doverport.co.uk/?page=History of this page] .]Although most staff are uniformed for patrol duties, the force includes a small Criminal Investigation Department staffed by three detective constables and a detective sergeant. One sergeant is employed solely for training duties (initial and in-service training) and the force provides all initial training not only for itself, but also for the
Port of Bristol Police . Training for senior officers is provided at thePolice Staff College, Bramshill .Civilian staff are employed alongside police officers, particularly in the manning of the control centre in the Headquarters building just inside the main gates of the Eastern Docks.
The rank structure of the Port of Dover Police is as shown below.
Officers of this force are sworn in as constables under section 79 of the
Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847 . [As stated [http://www.doverport.co.uk/?page=PortofDoverPolice by the force here] .] As a result, officers have the full powers of a constable on any land owned by theDover Harbour Board and at any place within one mile of any owned land. Due to the large amount of property owned by the Harbour Board, this means that officers have jurisdiction throughout not only the Port, but also the entire town of Dover, and a large part of its hinterland.Officers in this force wear similar uniforms to their colleagues in other forces throughout the country, including the familiar helmet of British police constables.
External links
* [http://www.doverport.co.uk/?page=PortofDoverPolice Port of Dover Police]
* [http://www.doverport.co.uk Dover Harbour Board]References
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