

Chorizite is a fictional metal in the Asheron's Call MMORPG franchise with the ability to repel magical energy. It was discovered during the July 2000 event To Raise a Banner of Flame. Originally mined by the rebel Gotrok Lugians, the metal was sold by them to the Virindi, who used it in the creation of Hollow Minions. The mines were later discovered and raided by humans, who put the mineral to use as a reagent in spellcasting, a component in potions, and as metal in various weapons capable of ignoring magical protection.

An extremely dense material, chorizite is difficult to work with. Useful quantities are quite heavy and difficult to move around. Its density and strength make it resistant to pulverization for alchemical use, as well as any attempts at forging. Making chorizite weaponry requires extreme temperatures to make the metal malleable.

Its unique property of resisting magical energy seems to change with the purity of the sample. Less pure chorizite actively repels any magical energy, and anything made out of it ignores all but the most powerful magic. This is the grade from which hollow weapons and minions are made. As purity increases, it seems to reach a point where it is its most brittle, and it is this medium grade which is used in alchemy, as it is the easiest to pulverise into powder and to dissolve. The purest chorizite actually does little to repel magic like less pure metal does. Instead, it seems to absorb and reflect magical energy into a sort of highly damaging "anti-magic". Weapons formed from this do not ignore magical protection, but are both immune to any spells which would alter the weapon's effectiveness and possessed of pseudo-magical properties of their own.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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