Senna tora

Senna tora

:"This page is about the "Cassia tora" described by Linnaeus. Later authors usually applied the taxon to "Senna obtusifolia.Taxobox
name = "Senna tora"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Rosidae
unranked_ordo = Eurosids I
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
subfamilia = Caesalpinioideae
tribus = Cassieae
subtribus = Cassiinae
genus = "Senna"
species = "S. tora"
binomial = "Senna tora"
binomial_authority = (L.) Roxb.
synonyms =Numerous, see text

"Senna tora" (originally described by Linné as "Cassia tora") is a legume in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It grows wild in most of the tropics and is considered a weed in many places; its native range is not well known but probably South Asia. It is often confused with Chinese Senna or Sicklepod, "S. obtusifolia". If it is given a distinct common name at all, it is called Sickle Wild Sensitive-plant [NatureServe (2007)] .


The taxonomic history of this plant is extremely confused, even by the standards of "Senna" and "Cassia". "S. tora" and "S. obtusifolia" were for long and are often still held to be - and may eventually be verified as - a single species. Hence, taxa referring to either species were indiscriminately applied to both. [ILDIS (2005)]

* "Cassia boreensis" Miq.
* "Cassia borneensis" Miq.
* "Cassia gallinaria" Collad.
* "Cassia numilis" Collad.:Apparently a misprint for "Cassia humilis", which would have been applied to this species in error as it is properly a synonym of "Senna obtusifolia" and "Chamaecrista kunthiana", depending on the author.
* "Cassia tora" L.:As discussed above, the "Cassia tora" of other authors refers to "Senna obtusifolia"
* "Cassia tora" L. var. "borneensis" (Miq.) Miq.:"Cassia tora" L. var. "b", var. "humilis", and var. "obtusifolia" all refer to "Senna obtusifolia"
* "Emelista tora" Britton & Rose



* (2005): [ "Senna tora" (L.) Roxb.] . Version 10.01, November 2005. Retrieved 2007-DEC-20.
* (2007): [ "Senna tora" (L.) Roxb. species factsheet] . Version 6.3, 2007-OCT-29. Retrieved 2007-DEC-20.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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