Callan-Symanzik equation

Callan-Symanzik equation

In physics, the Callan-Symanzik equation is the renormalization relation that tells how the coupling constant changes with momentum in a quantum field theory.

It was discovered independently by Curtis Callan [C. G. Callan, Jr., "Broken Scale Invariance in Scalar Field Theory", Phys. Rev. D 2, 1541-1547 (1970). [ APS] ] and Kurt Symanzik [K. Symanzik, "Small Distance Behaviour in Filed Theory and Power Counting", Commun. math. Phys. 18, 227 (1970). [ SpringerLink] ] [K. Symanzik, "Small-Distance-Behaviour Analysis and Wilson Expansions", Commun. math. Phys. 23, 49 (1971). [ SpringerLink] ] in 1970. Later it is used to understand asymptotic freedom.

It is a special case of a renormalization group equation.



* Jean Zinn-Justin, "Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena ", Oxford University Press 2003, ISBN 0198509235
* John Clements Collins, "Renormalization", Cambridge University 1986, ISBN 0521311772

ee also

*exact renormalization group equation

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