Lauterbach Datentechnik

Lauterbach Datentechnik

Lauterbach Datentechnik GmbH is a German electronic design automation firm specializing in in-circuit emulators and logic analyzers used for debugging embedded systems. The firm was founded in 1979 by Lothar Lauterbach in Hofolding, Germany.

The company holds exclusive access to a niche-market of in-circuit emulators,Fact|date=June 2008 especially on systems using JTAG, which it sells under the brand name "TRACE 32". This exclusivity has enabled them to grow strongly in sales in recent years (83 million USD in 2007).Fact|date=June 2008 Lauterbach has local subsidiaries in United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Italy and China. The company itself is still somewhat of a family workshop, with the two brothers Lothar and Stephan Lauterbach as its directors.

External links

* [ Official website]

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