Hannah's Gift

Hannah's Gift

name = Hannah's Gift - Lessons From a Life Fully Lived

author = Maria Housden
cover_artist =
country = United States
language = English
subject =
genre = Inspiration
publisher = HarperCollins (reprint)
release_date = February 2002
media_type = Print (Paperback)
pages = 240
isbn =

"Hannah's Gift - Lessons From a Life Fully Lived" is a non-fiction book by Maria Housden.


"Hannah's Gift" tells the story of Hannah Catherine Martell, a young girl who was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of kidney cancer at age two, and died at age four. The author, Maria Housden, is Hannah's mother, and the book documents her struggle to come to terms with her daughter's sickness and inevitable death while making changes in her own life that she never thought possible.


Reactions to "Hannah's Gift" have been largely positive. While some reviewers focus on the book's message of living life to its fullestcite web |url= http://www.reading-addiction.com/2006/08/hannahs-gift-lessons-from-life-fully.html|title= Reading-Addiction.com: Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Lived|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006] and resource for bereaved parents,cite web |url= http://archives.tcm.ie/businesspost/2002/05/05/story812281628.asp|title= Hannah's Gift by Maria Housden: ThePost.ie|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006] others laud it for showcasing Hannah's ability to understand what was happening to her and accept it.cite web |url= http://www.kara-grief.org/Reviews/HannahsGift_Carter.htm|title= Kara Grief Support and Education for Our Community|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006] cite web |url= http://www.chronogram.com/issue/2003/02/feature/book_reviews.html|title= literary 2-03 BOOK REVIEWS|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006]

The book's religious overtones in dealing with death have been a point of contention for some readers. While one critic was perturbed by the Christian perspective, she did acknowledge that she was perhaps not the target audience for the book. Another reviewer noted that, as a Muslim, her feelings towards Allah were bolstered, regardless of the Christian message.cite web |url= http://nadnuts.multiply.com/reviews/item/16|title= BabyHana-AbiDee-BundaNadNuTs - Hannah's Gift - Lessons from a Life Fully Lived|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006]

"Hannah's Gift" has been recommended as a grief-coping book by the BBC,cite web |url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/relationships/coping_with_grief/furtherreading_index.shtml|title= BBC - Relationships - Coping with grief|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006] while Hannah herself was the inspiration for an award at the Riley Hospital for Children.cite web |url= http://rileychildrenshospital.com/document.jsp?locid=2374|title= Hannah's Gift - Riley Hospital for Children|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006] Since writing "Hannah's Gift", Housden has become a sought-after speaker on the subject of grieving parents.cite web |url= http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/dome/0603/news_report1.cfm|title= DOME:Working with Grief|accessmonthday= October 20 |accessyear= 2006]


The themes below are used as chapter titles
* truth
* joy
* faith
* compassion
* wonder

Publication history

* Housden, M, "Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Lived", Bantam Books, 2002, ISBN 0-553-80210-0
* Housden, M, "Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Lived", DIANE Publishing Co., 2002. ISBN 0-7567-8738-6
* Housden, M. "Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Lived" Harper Collins Publishers, 2003. ISBN 0-00-715567-0


External links

* [http://www.hannahsgift.com/ "Hannah's Gift"] official site (includes "The Heart of Hannah's Gift" forum)

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