

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Johannes loh

gender = Male
meaning =
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origin = German Name
related names = John
footnotes =

Johannes is the Latin form of the personal name that usually appears as "John" in English language contexts. It is a variant of the Greek name Ιωαννης ("Ioannes" / Greek language never writes a "h"-sound in word-internal position), itself derived from the Hebrew name "Yochanan" meaning "The Lord is gracious". Common German variants for Johannes are "Johann", "Hans" (diminutized to "Hänschen" or "Hänsel", known from "Hänsel und Gretel", a fairy tale by the Grimm brothers), "Hannes", "Jens" (from Danish) and "Jan" (from Dutch). Common English variants for Johannes are "Johanan", "John", "Johnny", and "Jonny". In French is Jean, in Spanish Juan, in Portuguese is João, in Catalan is Joan, in Lithuanian - Jonas, in Romanian is Ion and in Italian is Giovanni. "Seán" is the Irish or Scots Gaelic equivalent, sometimes spelled in English as "Shawn" or "Shaun". In Estonian "Juhan", "Jaan", "Jaanus", "Joonas" and "Hannes" do come from the same root; "Juss" and "Juku" are the familiar names for "Johannes".

Famous persons named Johannes

* Jóhannes Ásbjörnsson, Icelandic radio and TV show host
* Johannes Brahms, a German romantic composer
* Johannes Edfelt, a Swedish writer
* Johannes Gutenberg, a German printer
* Johannes Helms, a Danish writer and schoolmaster(1828-1895)
* Jóhannes Jónsson, Icelandic businessman
* Johannes Kepler, a 17th century astronomer
* Johannes Milne, a famous chauffeur of Lord Frank Of Grafton
* Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter
* Johannes Virolainen, former Prime Minister of Finland
* Johannes Simatupang, a Software Engineer / a IT ManagerVariants

* Honus Wagner, a famous baseball player
* Schinderhannes, a German outlaw

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