Viet Vu Dao

Viet Vu Dao

Viet Vu Dao is a type of Vietnamese martial arts. It literally translates as "Vietnamese school of the five masters".

Viet Vu Dao is a martial art providing acrobatics, gymnastics as well as a resting pole of self realisation.

Viet Vu Dao can be used as a method of self defence as the opponent can be held at distance with little effort without being hurt seriously.

The training is made suitable to every student's individual possibilities. This makes it easier for everyone to reach his / her goals.

Viet Vu Dao was founded by Nguyen Van Hoa (1802-1880). His successor was Pham Van Thach (1850-1905). After his death Pham Van Tàn was in charge of the Family Vu Dao of Dat Dao, a City south of Baria. He founded the present school of Viet Vu Dao.

See also

Viet Vu Dao ( In spite of the similar name NOT the same as Viet Vo Dao )

External links

* Viet Vu Dao in Germany
* Viet Vu Dao International (VVD Federation official site)
* Viet Vu Dao in Paris
* Viet Vu Dao in Toulouse
* Viet Vu Dao in Gard

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