Bab edh-Dhra

Bab edh-Dhra

Bab edh-Dhra ("bāb al-dhrā' ") is the site of an Early Bronze Age city, located near the Dead Sea, in Wadi Araba, forwarded as a candidate for the location of Biblical Sodom.

Bitumen and petroleum deposits have been found in the area, which contain sulfur and natural gas (as such deposits normally do), and one theory suggests that a pocket of natural gas led to the incineration of the city.

The location of the site is (approximately) 31.253928°N, 35.534184°E (by correlating the maps at with Google Earth. The site can be viewed [,35.534184&spn=0.005641,0.007499&t=h&z=17&om=1) here] .

Artifacts from Bab edh-Dhra are on display at Karak Archaeological Museum in Jordan.

ee also

*Numeira, candidate site for Gomorrah

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