William Schoell

William Schoell

William Schoell (pronounced "shoal") is an American author, born November 30, 1958 in Manhattan and educated in Vermont, earning a B.A. from Castleton State College in 1978. He has written several horror and science fiction novels, such as "Late at Night" (1986) and "Saurian" (1988). He was the author of "Hidden Horrors," a column in the now defunct horror magazine "The Scream Factory", as well as a contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals including "Writer", "Writer's Digest", "Paris Notes", "Off Duty", and "BBC Music". He was also a talk show radio host and producer. More recently, he has published books that deal with film, and biographies, some of which were written together with Hollywood biographer Lawrence J. Quirk. His play "Joe and Janice" premiered at the American Theater of Actors in 2000. He writes a popular blog on movies called Great Old Movies.



* "Spawn of Hell", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1984.
* "Shivers", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1985.
* "Late at Night", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1986.
* "Bride of Satan", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1986.
* "Saurian", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1988.
* "The Pact", St. Martin's (New York, NY), 1988.
* "The Dragon", Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1989.
* "Fatal Beauty", St. Martin's (New York, NY), 1990.


* "Stay out of the Shower: Twenty-five Years of Shocker Films Beginning with "Psycho," Dembner (New York, NY), 1985, published as "Stay out of the Shower: The Shocker Film Phenomenon", [London, England] , 1988.
* "Comic Book Heroes of the Screen", Carol Publishing (New York, NY), 1991.
* (With James Spencer) "The Nightmare Never Ends: The Official History of Freddy Krueger and "The Nightmare on Elm Street" Films", Carol Publishing (New York, NY), 1992.
* "The Films of Al Pacino", Carol Publishing (New York, NY), 1995.
* (With Lawrence J. Quirk) "The Rat Pack: The Hey Hey Days of Frank and the Boys", Taylor Publishing (Dallas, TX), 1998.
* "Magic Man: The Life and Films of Steven Spielberg," Tudor Publishers (Greensboro, NC), 1999.
* "Martini Man: The Life of Dean Martin", Taylor Publishing (Dallas, TX), 1999.
* "Heartbreaker: The Dorothy Dandridge Story", Avisson Press (Greensboro, NC), 2002.
* "Joan Crawford: The Essential Biography", University Press of Kentucky (Lexington, KY), 2002.
* "Remarkable Journeys: The Story of Jules Verne", Morgan Reynolds Pub. (Greensboro, NC), 2002.
* "I Can Do Anything": The Sammy Davis, Jr. Story", Avisson Press (Greensoro, NC), 2004.
* "H. P. Lovecraft: Master of Weird Fiction", Morgan Reynolds (Greensboro, NC), 2004.
* "Mystery and Terror: The Story of Edgar Allan Poe", Morgan Reynolds (Greensboro, NC), 2004.
* "The Opera of the Twentieth Century", McFarland (Jefferson, NC), 2006.
* (with Lawrence J. Quirk) "The Sundance Kid: An Unauthorized Biography of Robert Redford", Taylor Trade (New York), 2006.
* "Giuseppe Verdi and Italian Opera", Morgan Reynolds (Greensboro, NC), 2007.


* [http://williamschoell.blogspot.com -- William Schoell's blog.
* [http://greatoldmovies.blogspot.com -- William Schoell's Great Old Movies blog.
* [http://www.amazon.com/s?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=william+schoell William Schoell's Books on Amazon.com]

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