

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen_Roesrath.pnglat_deg = 50 |lat_min = 54
lon_deg = 7 |lon_min = 11
Bundesland = North Rhine-Westphalia
Regierungsbezirk = Cologne
Kreis = Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis
Höhe = 71 - 260
Fläche = 38.81
Einwohner = 27128
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 51503
Vorwahl = 02205
Kfz = GL
Gemeindeschlüssel = 05 3 78 028
Straße = Rathausplatz
Website = [http://www.roesrath.de/ www.roesrath.de]
Bürgermeister = Dieter Happ
Partei =

Rösrath is a town in the Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis (district) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The earliest known documents mentioning the settlement "Rösrath" can be found in documents dated to 1356. There have been findings of Paleolithic and Mesolithic tools in the city area "Forsbach". The community got the freedom of the city in 2001.


Rösrath is located in the immediate vicinity of Cologne. The municipal area of Rösrath is bordering on the south-eastern city limits of Cologne. Therefore from Cologne's point of view Rösrath is called a "Gateway to the Berg region" (Bergisches Land).The municipal area partly extends over the nature reserves of the "Wahner Heide" and "Königsforst".

The Coat of Arms of Rösrath

The coat of arms of Rösrath consists of two areas:
* The upper area shows the red lion of Berg with blue crown, tongue and claws. The lion appears in most of the coats of arms in the district of the "Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis".
* The lower area shows a hunting horn with a green background. It symbolizes the "Königsforst", in former times a popular hunting district of the earls of Berg.

Landmark of Rösrath

The gateway of "Eulenbroich castle" is virtually the landmark of Rösrath. This gateway to the Berg region (Bergisches Land) is used as logo on the letterheads and internet pages of the town council.

Twinned cities


Cologne is well known as a "stronghold" of German carnival with its famous carnival parade on the Monday before Strove Tuesday. Rösrath isn't too far away from Cologne. Also in Rösrath a "Rose Monday Parade" is organized every year. The parade isn't as big as in Cologne, but the foolishness is just as wild as in the neighbouring large town.

External links

* [http://www.roesrath.de Official site] de icon

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