- Grid graph
Lattice graph
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Grid Graph — #redirect Lattice graph … Wikipedia
Grid — Several fields use or develop the idea of a grid: Arrays of squares or rectangles * Grid plan, a city plan in which streets run at right angles to form a grid of city blocks * Grid view or datagrid, a graphical user interface element that… … Wikipedia
Graph paper — Regular graphing paper (upper); Logarithmic graphing paper (lower). Graph paper, graphing paper, grid paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a … Wikipedia
graph — /graf, grahf/, n. 1. a diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things by a number of distinctive dots, lines, bars, etc. 2. Math. a. a series of points, discrete or continuous, as in forming a curve or… … Universalium
grid — A framework or pattern of criss crossed or parallel lines. A lattice. When criss crossed, lines are conventionally horizontal and vertical; and when lines are diagonal, they are usually at right angles to each other. Typically graph paper is a … Glossary of Art Terms
graph paper — paper printed with a pattern of straight or curved lines, esp. a grid of small squares, for plotting or drawing graphs and curves. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
graph paper — noun Paper ruled into small squares, usually of equal size, for use in drawing graphs or other charts. Syn: graphing paper, grid paper, quadrille … Wiktionary
graph — n grid, chart, diagram, table, map, blueprint, picture, drawing, sketch, outline … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
grid — /grɪd/ noun a graph with lines crossing at right angles and items written in the boxes, used for comparison … Marketing dictionary in english
Lattice graph — The terms lattice graph, mesh graph, or grid graph refer to a number of categories of graphs whose drawing corresponds to some grid/mesh/lattice, i.e., its vertices correspond to the nodes of the mesh and its edges correspond to the ties between… … Wikipedia