Aron Tiranul

Aron Tiranul

Aron Tiranul ("Aaron the Tyrant"), sometimes credited as Aron Emanoil or Emanuel Aaron (d. 1597 in Vinţu de Jos), was twice Moldavian Voivode (Prince): between September 1591 and June 1592, and October 24 1592 to May 3 1595. He was Alexandru Lăpuşneanu's son.

Emanuel Aaron was placed on the Moldavian throne through the efforts Solomon Ashkenazi, an influential Jew. He is alleged to have paid officials as the Ottoman the sum of one million guilders; the moment he came to the throne signified an increase in taxes, one high enough to justify his moniker and to lead to an uprising. Despite Ashkenazi's support, he increased the persecution of Jews in Moldavia, and executed without trial 19 of his Jewish creditors. [Rezachevici, p.61; "Rumania: Under Turkish..."] The events called for the Porte's intervention, and the Ottomans deposed Aron without delay.

He was soon after appointed ruler for the second time, owing to pressure from his creditors. Aron Tiranul was, however, determined to end his cohabitation with the Ottomans, especially after the offers for an alliance made by Pope Clement VIII and Wallachian Prince Michael the Brave. He and Michael convened on November 5 1594, after which Aron swiftly moved against the Ottomans, getting them out of Moldavia and briefly conquering part of Dobruja in 1595.

The "hatman" (a high boyar rank) who led the anti-Ottoman campaigns and who became very popular among the soldiers, Ştefan Răzvan, ousted Aron, whose image increasingly eroded among the people. While Răzvan took charge of affairs in Iaşi, Aron Tiranul and his family were captured in Transylvania by the troops of Prince Sigismund Báthory, being imprisoned in Alvinc (Vinţu de Jos) - where he died, being buried in the Eastern Orthodox church in Alba Iulia.

ee also

*Moldavian Magnate Wars



* [ "Rumania: Under Turkish Suzerainty"] (from "Jewish Encyclopedia")
*Constantin Rezachevici, "Evreii din ţările române în evul mediu", in "Magazin Istoric", September 1995, p.59-62

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