New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective

New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective

The New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective (NZPC) is a New Zealand-based organisation that supports the rights of sex workers and educates prostitutes about minimizing the risks of the job. It was founded in 1987, and received funding from the Minister of Health in 1988. The funding contract was subsequently managed by the Department of Health, and later, the Ministry of Health, following reorganisation within the Ministry.[1] It has been credited with controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS in New Zealand.

See also


  1. ^ Healy, C., Bennachie, C., & Reed, A., (2010). History of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective; in Abel, G., Fitzgerald, L., & Healy, C., (Eds). Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation. Bristol: Policy Press.

Further reading

  • Abel, G., Fitzgerald, L., & Healy, C., (Eds), (2010). Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Jordan, J (1991) Working Girls: Women in the New Zealand Sex Industry talk to Jan Jordan, Auckland: Penguin
  • Catherine Healy and Anna Reed, The Healthy Hooker, The New Internationalist, 252: 16-17, 1994
  • Chetwynd J. The Prostitutes' Collective: A uniquely New Zealand institution, in Intimate Details and Vital Statistics: AIDS, sexuality and the social order in New Zealand. Auckland University Press 1996
  • Bronwen Lichtenstein, Tradition and experiment in New Zealand AIDS policy, AIDS and Public Policy, 12 (3): 79-88, 1997
  • Lichtenstein, B: Reframing "Eve" in the AIDS era, in Sex Work and Sex Workers, BM Dank and R Refinetti eds. Transaction, New Brunswick NJ 1998
  • Laverack, G., Whipple, A. 2010. The sirenssong of empowerment: a case study of health promotion and the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective. Glob Health Prom 17(1) 33-8.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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