SOA Software

SOA Software

company_name = SOA Software, Inc.
company_type = Private
foundation = 2001
location = Los Angeles, California, USA
founder = Eric Pulier, Chairman Paul Gigg, CEO
products = SOA Software Service Manager, SOA Software Workbench, SOA Software SOLA, SOA Software Infrastructure Suite
homepage = []
footnotes =

SOA Software is a provider of enterprise class SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) security, management, and governance solutions. The company was originally called Digital Evolution, and has taken over a number of specialist SOA vendors.


*SOA Governance products:
** SOA Software Service Manager
** SOA Software Workbench
** SOA Software Infrastructure Suite
*ESB Federation
** SOA Software Service Manager/Network Director
*SOLA - Service-oriented legacy architecture - Web Services on CICS Mainframe


*September 2004. Acquires Flamenco Networks. [ [ Digital Evolution Buys Flamenco Networks] Internet News. September 13, 2004]
*March 2005. Company changes its name to SOA Software.
*December 2005, Buys a mainframe web services product from Merrill Lynch. [ [ When Mainframe Meets SOA] Reg Developer 7th February 2006]
*May 2006. Acquires Blue Titan, a web services networking company. [ [ SOA Software Has Big Plans For Blue Titan] Internet News, May 8, 2006] [ [ Why SOA Software bought Blue Titan] Loosely Coupled, May 10, 2006 ]

ee also

*SOA Governance


External links

* [ SOA Software website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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