Expresso II

Expresso II

Infobox Album
Name = Expresso II
Type = studio
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Artist = Pierre Moerlen's Gong

Released = 1978
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"Expresso II" is an album by Pierre Moerlen's Gong, issued in 1978.

Like the other Pierre Moerlen's Gong albums, this is predominantly jazz-fusion and has little to do with the psychedelic space rock of Daevid Allen's Gong, even though the bands share a common history.

"Expresso II" is an appropriate title considering it is very much a companion piece to the band's previous release, "Gazeuse!" (called "Expresso" in North America). It is an extension of the melodic mallet percussion infused progressive jazz/rock that very much dominated this incarnation of Gong, and would be the last album released on the band's Virgin contract before Pierre Moerlen changed the name to Pierre Moerlen's Gong to distinguish this (very different) incarnation from that of the Daevid Allen-led chapter.

Track listing

#"Heavy Tune" (Pierre Moerlen) – 6:22
#"Golden Dilemma" (Hansford Rowe)– 4:51
#"Sleepy" (Mireille Bauer)– 7:17
#"Soli" (Hansford Rowe) – 7:37
#"Boring" (Mireille Bauer)– 6:23
#"Three Blind Mice" (Benoit Moerlen) – 4:47


*Pierre Moerlen: drums, glockenspiel, xylophone, tubular bells, timpani, vibraphone
*Hansford Rowe: bass, rhythm guitar
*Bon Lozaga: guitar
*Allan Holdsworth: guitar
*Mick Taylor: guitar
*Darryl Way: violin
*Benoit Moerlen: glockenspiel, vibes, xylophone, tubular bells, claves
*Mireille Bauer: marimba, vibraphone
*Francois Causse: congas

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