- Broga
Broga is a small
town inSelangor , 50 km fromKuala Lumpur , the capital ofMalaysia .It is the location of a somewhat controversial development where Asia's largest
incinerator is to be built, designed to reduce Kuala Lumpur's dependence on landfill as a means of waste management. In early 2005, a temporary injunction was issued, stopping work on the project, in response to a lawsuit by residents of Broga and the nearbySemenyih .The injunction has since expired, however, and work has continued, much to the disappointment of the local residents. They complained that the project was started without consultation and
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and fear for the health and environmental effects of the incinerator on their town.External links
* [http://www.malaysia.tv/frame/content.cfm?VID=1321 MalaysiaKini.tv Video Text]
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