Babungo people

Babungo people

Ethnic group|

group=Babungo (Vengo)
langs=Babungo (Vengo),
Cameroonian Pidgin English,
rels=Animism, Christianity
related=Bamessing, Bambalang

The Babungos are a tribe or an ethnic group of about 14,000 people who are resident in the anglophone Northwest Province of Cameroon. They live predominantly in the region of a village which is also called "Babungo". This village is located in the Cameroonian Grassfields at the so-called "Ringroad", approximately 50 km West of the province's capital Bamenda. The native language of the tribe is also called "Babungo". For the tribe, village and language the spelling "Bamungo" is also often found.

In their own language, the Babungo people call their village "vengo" [vəŋóo] and their language "ghang vengo" [gháŋ vəŋóo] ; this is why the name of the tribe, village and language is officially also listed under the names "Vengo" or "Vengoo". Other alternative terms are: Vengi, Pengo, Ngo, Nguu, Ngwa, Nge.


*Willi Schaub: "Babungo". Croom Helm Descriptive Grammars. Croom Helm Ltd., Beckenham, Kent, UK 1985, ISBN 0-7099-3352-5.
*Jean-Paul Notue: "Treasures of the Kings Sculptor: Babungo: Memory, Arts and Techniques". 5 Continents Edition, 2005, ISBN 88-7439-203-6.
*Johannes Ittmann: "Volkskundliche und religiöse Begriffe im nördlichen Waldland von Kamerun". Afrika und Übersee: Folge der Beihefte zur Zeitschrift der Eingeborenen-Sprachen: Beiheft 26. Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, Germany 1953 (no ISBN).
*Brigitte Staub: "Trommeln, Palmwein, Hexen. Erlebnisse im Grasland von Kamerun". Sternberg Verlag, Metzingen/Württemberg, Germany 2000, ISBN 3-7722-0351-5.
*Philippe Laburthe-Tolra: "Initiations et sociétés secrètes au Cameroun. Essai sur la religion beti". Karthala, Paris, France 1985, ISBN 2-86537-142-5.
*Miriam Goheen: "Men Own the Fields, Women own the Crops. Gender and Power in the Cameroon Grassfields". The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 1996, ISBN 0-299-14670-7.
*Hans-Georg Wolf: "English in Cameroon". Contributions to the Sociology of Language, Volume 85. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2001, ISBN 3-11-017053-1.
*Carole de Féral: "Pidgin-English du Cameroun. Description linguistique et sociolinguistique". Peeters/Selaf, Paris, France 1989, ISBN 2-87723-023-6.
*Hans-Joachim Koloß: "Kamerun: Könige - Masken - Feste. Ethnologische Forschungen im Grasland der Nordwest-Provinz von Kamerun". Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart, Linden-Museum Stuttgart, Germany 1977 (no ISBN).
*Angeline Nguedjeu Nkwenkam: "Nonformale Bildung und Berufsbildung zum Empowerment von Frauen für den informellen Sektor: Eine Studie aus dem Kameruner Grasland". Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des Grades einer Doktorin der Philosophie (Ph.D. Thesis). University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2003 (no ISBN).

External links

* [ Babungo Museum, Cameroon]

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