

Chembox new
Name = "m"-Xylene
ImageFile = m-Xylene.png ImageName = m-Xylene
ImageSize = 100px
ImageFile1 = m-xylene-spaceFilling.png ImageSize1 = 150px
ImageName1 = m-xylene 3D diagram
OtherNames = "m"-Xylol
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 108-38-3
RTECS = ZE2275000

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Appearance = Colorless liquid
Formula = C8H10
MolarMass = 106.16 g/mol
BoilingPtC = 139
MeltingPtC = -48
Density = 0.86 g/mL
RefractIndex = 1.49722
Solubility = insoluble
Solubility1 = very soluble
Solvent1 = ethanol
Solubility2 = very soluble
Solvent2 = diethyl ether
Viscosity = 8.059 cP at 0 °C
6.200 cP at 20 °C

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
ExternalMSDS = [http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/x2400.htm External MSDS]
FlashPt = 25 °C
MainHazards = Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Vapor harmful. Flammable liquid and vapor.
NFPA-H = 1
NFPA-F = 3
NFPA-R = 0
RPhrases = R10 R20 R21 R38
SPhrases = S25

Section8 = Chembox Related
Function = aromatic

OtherFunctn = benzene

"m"-Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, based on benzene with two methyl substituents.

It is an isomer of "o"-xylene and "p"-xylene. The "m" stands for "meta", meaning the two methyl substituents are at locants 1 and 3 on the aromatic ring.

The major chemical use of metaxylene is in the manufacture of isophthalic acid, which is used as a copolymer to alter the properties of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) making PET more suitable for the manufacture of soft drinks bottles.


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