Timothy's Monster

Timothy's Monster

Infobox Album |
Name = Timothy's Monster
Type = Album
Artist = Motorpsycho

Released = August 6, 1994
Recorded = Winter & spring 1994
Genre = Rock
Length = 96:49
Label = Stickman (Europe)
Harvest/EMI (Norway)
Producer = Motorpsycho, Deathprod
Reviews =
Last album = "Demon Box"
This album = "Timothy's Monster"
Next album = "Blissard"
Misc = Extra album cover 2
Upper caption = Alternate Cover
Type = Album

Lower caption = The sleeve of the CD version features two front pages.

"Timothy's Monster" is the third full-length studio album by Motorpsycho, and their first on a major label (it was released through EMI in Norway and through the independent label Stickman Records in the rest of the world). Released as a double-CD or triple-LP.

Track listing

# "Feel" – 3:26 [Sæther]
# "Trapdoor" – 4:22 [Sæther]
# "Leave It Like That" – 3:33 [Sæther]
# "A Shrug and A Fistful" – 3:14 [Sæther/Lien]
# "Kill Some Day" – 6:53 [Sæther/Ryan/Sten]
# "On My Pillow" – 7:21 [Ryan]
# "Beautiful Sister" – 4:11 [Sæther/Lien]
# "Wearing Yr Smell" – 3:35 [Sæther]
# "Now It's Time to Skate" – 4:58 [Sæther]
# "Giftland" – 10:20 [Sæther/Ryan]
# "Watersound" – 5:11 [Sæther]
# "The Wheel" – 16:57 [Sæther/Ryan/Gebhardt/Lien]
# "Sungravy" – 4:36 [Sæther]
# "Grindstone" – 7:17 [Sæther/Sten]
# "The Golden Core" – 12:59 [Sæther/Ryan]

*Compact disc: CD1: 1-11; CD2: 12-15
*Vinyl: Side A: 1-5, Side B: 6-9, Side C: 10, 11, Side D: 12, 13 and Side E: 14, 15.

ingle-CD version

It has also been released as a one-CD edition, aimed at the UK and USA markets, with edited versions of some songs.
#"Feel" – 3:31
#"Trapdoor" – 4:21
#"Leave It Like That" – 2:34
#"A Shrugh & A Fistfull" – 3:14
#"Kill Some Day" – 6:51
#"The Wheel" – 8:48
#"Watersound" – 5:10
#"On My Pillow" – 5:43
#"Wearing Yr Smell" – 3:36
#"Now It's Time to Skate" – 4:55
#"Grindstone" – 7:16
#"The Golden Core" – 13:00


*Bent Sæther: Vocals, bass, guitars, mellotron, drums, percussion, piano, sitar, synth bass
*Hans Magnus Ryan: Guitars, vocals, piano, percussion
*Håkon Gebhardt: Drums, banjo, percussion
*Lars Lien: Piano, wurlitzer, hammong organ, vocals
*Helge Sten (Deathprod): Theremin, mellotron, samples, synthesizerwith:
*Øyvind Enger: cello on "Sungravy"
*Lars Mølna: viola on "Sungravy"
*Øyvind Brandtsegg: String arrangement on "Sungravy", vibraphone on "The Golden Core"
*Anneli Drecker: back. vocals on "The Golden Core"


*The vinyl version is a triple LP box including a large poster [http://motorpsycho.fix.no/thisis/pictures/knoot2/timoharvest_01_800_573.jpg] and an etching on the sixth side [http://motorpsycho.fix.no/thisis/pictures/knoot2/timoharvest_02_642_600.jpg] , done by Doc Wör Miran, who also did an etching for the vinyl version of Motorpsycho presents The International Tussler Society in 2004.
*Coverartwork was done by Kim Hiorthøy.
*"On My Pillow" is the first song to feature lead vocals by Hans Magnus "Snah" Ryan.
*"Feel" was done by Bent Sæther alone.
*"Giftland" features Bent and Gebhardt both drumming.
*There was a video made for "Now it's Time to skate".
*"Wearing yr Smell" was released as an EP/single. It was the first release on the newly-found Stickman Records. And Stickman's catalog numbers are named "Psychobabble###"; therefore "Wearing yr Smell" was Psychobabble001 and is still sometimes referred to as "Psychobabble".
*"The Golden Core" is often cited by fans as the best song Motorpsycho ever wrote.
*"The Wheel" was written in Cologne, 1994.

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