- Guðbergur Bergsson
Guðbergur Bergsson is an
Iceland ic writer born inGrindavík onOctober 16 ,1932 . He went to theUniversity of Iceland for his Teaching degree and then went for further study in literature at theUniversity of Barcelona . He is one of the leading translators of Spanish works in Iceland.His first book came out in 1961. He has had twenty books in all including poetry and children's literature. In 2004 he received the Nordic Prize of the
Swedish Academy and his works have been translated into numerous languages.Works
* "Músin sem læðist", 1961
* "Tómas Jónsson, metsölubók", 1966
* "Ástir samlyndra hjóna", 1967
* "Anna", 1968
* "Það sefur í djúpinu", 1973
* "Hermann og Dídí", 1974
* "Það rís úr djúpinu", 1976
* "Saga af manni sem fékk flugu í höfuðið", 1979
* "Sagan af Ara Fróðasyni og Hugborgu konu hans", 1980
* "Hjartað býr enn í helli sínum", 1982
* "Leitin að landinu fagra", 1985
* "Froskmaðurinn", 1985
* "Svanurinn", 1991 (published in English as "The Swan")
* "Sú kvalda ást sem hugarfylgsnin geyma", 1993
* "Ævinlega", 1994
* "Lömuðu kennslukonurnar", 2004External links
* [http://www.bokmenntir.is/rithofundar.asp?cat_id=12&key=G Bokmenntir]
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